Mental Health

What is Trauma?

Being exposed to death, threatened death, abuse, or serious injury. Either as a victim, witness, or learning about it happening to someone close to you


How can struggling with mental health affect someone's parenting?

The fact that a parent has mental illness alone is not sufficient to cause problems for the child and family. Rather, it is how the mental health condition affects the parent's behavior as well as familial relationships that may cause risk to a child


What percentage of kids are bullied each year?

20% of kids 12-18 (1 in 5)


What does TF-CBT stand for?

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


What are the 4 types of Trauma Symptoms?

Intrusion, Avoidance, Negative Mood & Thoughts, Arousal & Reactivity


What kinds of problems are kids whose parents' have mental health struggles at risk for?

Children whose parents have a mental illness are at risk for developing social, emotional and/or behavioral problems. An inconsistent and unpredictable family environment, often found in families in which a parent has mental illness, contributes to a child's risk


What are the 4 most common types of bullying (according to a 2019 study)? 

verbal harassment (79%), social harassment (50%), physical bullying (29%), and cyberbullying (25%)


What are the 6 main components of TF-CBT?

Psychoeducation, relaxation skills, emotion regulation, cognitive processing, trauma narrative, parenting skills


What is an example of an Intrusion Symptom?

Nightmares, flashbacks, unwanted upsetting memories, emotional & physical responses to trauma reminders


What are some ways to reduce the risk of children being negatively affected by parents' mental health?

child's genetic vulnerability, the parent's behavior, the child's understanding of the parent's illness, and the degree of family stability. Effective prevention strategies help increase family stability, strengthen parents' ability to meet their children's needs, and minimize children's exposure to negative manifestations of their parent's illness


What is the most effective way to get bullying situations to stop? 

Peer intervention


What is psychoeducation?

Learning about what PTSD or other disorders are, why we have therapy, what types of abuse there are, what the different types of therapy are


What is an example of an Arousal/Reactivity Symptom?

Hypervigilance, irritability, aggression, easy startle response, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping


What are some "protective factors" that can help kids whose parents have mental health problems?

  • A parent's warm and supportive relationship with his or her children
  • Help and support from immediate and extended family members
  • A sense of being loved by their parent
  • Positive self-esteem
  • Good coping skills
  • Positive peer relationships
  • Interest in and success at school
  • Healthy engagement with adults outside the home
  • An ability to articulate their feelings
  • Parents who are functioning well at home, at work, and in their social relationships
  • Parental employment

What are some possible long-term effects of bullying on the bullied and the bullies?

Bullied children and teens are more likely to experience depression, anxiety and sometimes long-term damage to self-esteem. Victims often feel lonely. 

Bullies are at higher risk for anti-social, sometimes violent behaviors like getting into fights and destroying property. They often have problems with school, up to and including dropping out. They’re more likely to abuse substances and alcohol. This can continue into adulthood. 


What is cognitive processing?

Learning the difference between a thought, feeling, and behavior, and changing thoughts that make you feel bad about yourself into more realistic and positive thoughts


What does PTSD stand for?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


What are some struggles parents with mental health concerns might have?

Connecting with and communicating with their children; taking care of themselves; having social relationships or hobbies outside the family; resolving conflict; being consistent


What are some reasons people might bully others?

A typical bully has trouble resolving problems with others and also has trouble academically." “He or she usually has negative attitudes and beliefs about others, feels negatively toward himself/herself, comes from a family environment characterized by conflict and poor parenting, perceives school as negative and is negatively influenced by peers


Why do we write a trauma narrative?

It helps get over the need to avoid thinking about trauma, it helps you figure out what untrue thoughts or feelings you have about the trauma, it makes it less scary to talk and think about.