Educational Accommodations and Modifications
What is the definition of a TBI?
A TBI is damage to the brain acquired by trauma after a period of typical neurological development.
What are the names of the three categories of UDL?
1). Representation 2). Action and Expression 3). Engagement
What is the difference between modifications and accommodations?
Accommodation- changes how the student learns Modification- changes what a student is able to learn.
Name two behavioral changes that can occur in a TBI that was discussed in the presentation?
1). Irritability 2). The inability to deal with unexpected events.
According to the UDL model, what are two methods that a teacher can use for the "representation" in order to help Melissa?
1).Provide options for perception -Offer ways of customizing the display of information -Offer preferential seating to reduce visual stimuli 2).Provide options for language, mathematical notation, and symbols 3). Illustrate through multiple media Offer auditory presentation and pre-printed notes Provide options for comprehension 4). Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships Provide review of material before learning new material
Name 2 accommodations a teacher can to do increase the student's attention.
Keep assignments and instructions simple and direct. Provide rest periods, breaks, or physical activity. Minimize distractions. Divide work into small sections. Use verbal, gestural, or visual cues to remind student to attend. Ask student to repeat or summarize instructions. Slow pace of instruction
What are three physical changes of a TBI that was discussed in this presentation?
1).Tiredness 2).Lack of interest 3). Headaches 4). Poor Coordination 5). Slowed reactions 6). Heightened sensitivity to light or noise
According to the UDL model, what methods can the teacher offer to Melissa for "action & expression" as was expressed during the presentation?
1). Allow for verbal or written responses 2). Offer speech to text for crafting written communications 3). Facilitate prioritization of tasks with direct instruction and visual schedule
Name three educational accommodations that a teacher can do to help the student to increase memory.
Ask student to repeat new information several times. Teach the use of visual imagery. Teach the use of mnemonic strategies. Simplify information to be remembered. Break each task into steps and teach each step separately. Teach study skills, note-taking techniques, and self-questioning.
What are three emotional changes that occur because of a TBI?
1). Unable to deal with minor changes in the environment or daily routine 2). Lack of expressed emotion. 3). Depression.
According to the UDL model, what are three methods that a teacher can use for the "engagement" in order to help Melissa?
1).Provide options for recruiting interest -Optimize individual choice and autonomy -Offer the choice to work in groups or individually 2).Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence -Foster collaboration and community -Provide scaffolding chart to reduce frustrations and increase mastery (from 3).Provide options for self-regulation -Facilitate personal coping skills and strategy -Provide safe space for self assessment and regulation
What are four cognitive changes that occur because of a TBI?
1).Forgetfulness 2). Difficulty learning new material 3). Easily distracted 4).Problems with organizing materials