Fun Facts

One of Australia's top tourist attractions and one of the busiest performing arts venues in the world

What is Sydney Opera House


If you’re in the middle of Piccadilly Circus, in what city are you in?

What is London


The number one coffee consumers in the world

What is the Netherlands. People in the Netherlands take their daily caffeine fix seriously: At 2.414 cups per day per capita


This famous actor recently took a real trip into space

Who is William Shatner


There are more lakes in this country than in all the other countries in the world combined

What is Canada


One of the most visited monuments in the world. Visit the top of this iconic structure for unparalleled views

What is The Eiffel Tower


The coins thrown into this water body in Italy are collected for charity

What is the  Trevi fountain


A sheep’s heart, liver and lungs minced and mixed with onions, oatmeal, suet and seasoned with salt and spices cooked inside the animal’s stomach.

What is haggis (Scotland)


This railway tunnel is the only fixed link between the island of Great Britain and the European mainland

What is the Chunnel Tunnel also known as Eurotunnel


Tree hugging is forbidden in this country

What is China


This Stone Circle is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Europe

What is Stonehenge: Wiltshire, England 


At 8850km high it is the highest point on earth and is still growing at around 4mm per year.

What is Mount Everest


A sticky brown paste with a concentrated, salty flavour that’s usually spread on toast or eaten with cheese. People are either ‘love it or hate it’

What is Marmite (or Vegemite) – UK, New Zealand & Australia


This famous ship sunk in which ocean 

What is the Titanic in the North Atlantic ocean


The longest street in the world

What is Canada's Yonge Street at 1896 km


Climb to the top of this rocky hill in Athens to visit one of the most impressive remains of the ancient Greek civilization,

What is The Acropolis: Athens, Greece 


This country home to over 200 million cows

What is India


The world's most expensive spice

What is saffron (grown in India, Spain and Iran)


Running out of fuel on this road is illegal.

What is the Autobahn. It as seen as a preventable circumstance, and leads to stopping on the Autobahn, which, as stated in rule 2, is prohibited (Stopping, parking, u-turns, and backing up on the Autobahn is prohibited.)


This country consumes the most chocolate per year 

What is Switzerland.  Switzerland consumes the most chocolate per year with approximately 10 kilos a year per person   


One of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world – and the only one left standing today

What is The Great Pyramid of Giza: Cairo, Egypt


This  large country borders no less than 16 states

What is Russia


In this country beer and any alcoholic beverage under 10% ABV were not considered alcohol.

What is Russia. In 2011, however, things changed, and they were passed into law as notable sources of alcohol because alcoholism and its attached problems became rampant in the country


40% of Amsterdam commuters get to work by this mode of transportation

What is bicycle


The only continent in the world to have no active volcanoes

What is Australia?  There are remnants of volcanoes in Australia, but the last time one erupted was thousands of years ago