Datafy Stories
Datafy Stories
Datafy Stories
Datafy Clients
Datafy Stories

This Datafy employee booked an international flight on the wrong day and ended up in a pickle

Who is Erin Stiehler? 


This Datafy employee got lost in London without a phone

Who is Kelsie?

This Datafy employee got deported from Australia for attempting to overstay their visa

Who is Jackie?


An area within this regional client's territory recently became recognized as the world's largest "dark sky sanctuary"

What is Travel Southern Oregon?


This Datafy employee ended up in the middle of nowhere after a train mishap in Italy

Who is Kaleb?


This Datafy employee got lost in Germany and had to ask a mall employee for help

Who is Hunter?


This Datafy employee accidentally joined a wedding in India

Who is Kelly?


This Datafy employee got stranded in Miami and almost missed their sisters' bridal shower

Who is Katie?


The Netflix dramatic thriller, Bloodline, was filmed in this clients realm. 

What is Florida Keys?


This Datafy employee needed some convincing that the Missouri River was not in fact a lake

Who is Sabrina?


This Datafy employee got a little more than they had bargained for when they got a massage in Hungary

Who is Erin Folk?


This Datafy employee had an unfortunate leak in an RV that scarred them from camping ever again

Who is Kari?


This Datafy employee was hit by a car in Lisbon, Portugal on Halloween

Who is Nika?


This high-touch client spawned both White Castle and Pizza Hut.

What is Wichita?


This Datafy employee's daughter refused to let her toes touch the sand on a trip to California

Who is Kelby? 


This Datafy employee rescued a pair of Austrian travelers on a river after their boat was stolen

Who is Megan?


This Datafy employee had an unexpected ride with an Uber driver in Boston that turned bizarre.

Who is Mayank?


This Datafy employee ended up with "dog snot" nasal spray in the Netherlands after a lost in translation moment with Google Translate

Who is Amanda?


This island is a current client and the birthplace of pickleball.

What is Bainbridge Island?


This Datafy employee spent a night in the bushes hiding from the Honduran police

Who is Molly?


This Datafy employee escaped with only cuts and bruises after a boulder fell onto their family's rental car in Hawaii

Who is Christine?


This Datafy employee was in for a surprise when they ended up at a nude beach in St Maarten on a family trip

Who is DeNee?


This Datafy employee had the experience of a lifetime when they ended up smoking cigars with Fidel Castro's son in Cuba

Who is Lauren?


This client can boast that it's both the oldest and highest state capital in the US.

What is Santa Fe?


This Datafy employee's life was saved by a client after nearly choking to death in Kansas.

Who is Hilary?