Say 5 words in connection with flying!
land, take off, departure, arrival, flight, delay, flight attendant, baggage reclaim etc.
For ability we use
a) can b) be able to c) both
If you can't do anything because of the rules you say:
a) musn't b) don't have to c) both
Can you tell me where the post office is? It is an indirect question
How would you say in direct question?
Excuse me, where is the post office?
Tell me the comparative/superlative forms:
noisier, the noisiest
hotter, the hottest
more comfortable, the most comfortable
What is the missing word.
We coudn't reach our next flight in London. The British Airways had two-hour .......
For asking permission we can say:
a) May b) Shall c) Can
When something is necessary you can use:
a) must b) have to c) both
c) both
In direct question:
Where did Susan go?
Indirect question:
Could you tell me where Susan went?
Tell me the comparative/superlative forms
better, the best
worse, the worst
more, the most
farther, the farthest
What is the missing word.
On the plane I do not want to look out of the window. I'd like an
You are sleepy. Ask a coffee.
Can I have/get a cup of coffee?
Write in the missing word:
You a new uniform. The old one is perfect.
needn't/don't need to/ don't have to
Meg tudná mondani, hogy hol van a legközelebbi mozi?
Could you tell me where the nearest cinema is.
Write in the correct form:
Your friend is not as............. (kind) as mine.
One World Trade Center is ......................(high) building in NY.
I think, Maths is ........................(difficult) than IT.
as kind as
the highest
more difficult
Translate the sentence into English.
Rohant az 6. kapuhoz és ő volt az utolsó aki felszállt a gépre.
He ran to gate 6 and he was the last passanger to board the plane.
Sajnálom nem tudtam veled tegnap találkozni a reptéren.
I am sorry I couldn't/ wasn't be able to meet you at the airport yesterday.
Ebben az iskolában követned kell a szigorú szabályokat!
In this school you must follow the strict rules!
Szeretném tudni, hogy (if) ők elmentek az orvoshoz.
I would like to know if they went to the doctor.
Ha viselsz sisakot, akkor a barlang kevésbé veszélyes számodra.
If you wear a helmet, than the cave is less dangerous for you.
Finish the story with 2-3 sentences.
Their trip was a nightmare because...
A snake bit one of the family and there was no medicine for this. Finally the father had to suck his wound.
Feltenné a csomagját a ide. Szeretném átvizsgálni.
Could you put your luggage here. I'd like to check it.
A barlangászoknak nem szabad fejlámpa nélkül lemenni a mélybe, mert nagyon veszélyes.
Cavers mustn't go into the deep without headlamps because it is very dangerous.
Meg tudnád mondani, hogy mennyit fizettél az étteremben?
Could you tell me how much you paid in the restaurant?
Megmászni a Mount Everestet az egyik legveszélyesebb kihívás a világon.
Climbing Mount Everest is one of the most dangerous challanges in the world.