Point of view
Author's style/purpose
vantage point viewpoint perspective
What are three other names for point of view?
the act or process of developing a character.
What is characterization?
It is the introduction of a story, and it contains details about the setting and characters.
What is the exposition? What two parts of a story does it "expose" us to?
word choice, sentence variety and length, and tone
What are three parts of an author's style?
John's powerful and "lithe" truck; lithe: supple, manageable, easy to control.
What is Rocinante? What is lithe?
first and third person
What are the two types of point of view?
foretell, foreshadow: it creates suspense
What is foreboding? What does it create in a story?
internal and external: John's conflict is internal: he is an American writer and writing from memory (that is "...faulty, warpy"); he feels like a criminal. His memories of America are distorted by 25 intervening years?
What are 2 types of conflict? What is John Steinbeck's conflict - type and details.
atmosphere or feeling of the selection
What is mood?
John's traveling companion - a French poodle; "has a roar like a lion", yet he can't bite his way out of a paper bag; he likes to negotiate; had a part of his ear bitten off; he responds to commands in French.
Who is Charley? Give 2 important characterisitics about him.
limited and omniscient
What are the two types of third person point of view?
What is impaired?
Name 1: 1. license plates 2. his photograph has been widely distributed 3. Rocinante inscribed on the truck 4. trip's purpose "stage set" as a hunter
What are four problems that John faced (according to his satirical friends) prior to departing on his trip?
the author's attitude towards his/her subject.
What is tone?
The author of the autobiography (nonfiction - it's a memoir); he was an American writer - enjoyed writing about ordinary people, esp. those on the "margins of society" - at risk individuals. His memory is distorted; therefore, he opts to travel and relearn his country.
Who is John? Give 2 details about him.
The perspective is limited to one character's thoughts and feelings.
Define limited point of view.
What is rigorous?
The highest point of interest - the turning point. *dazzled by the light's clarity excited crackle of a flame shattered with color air was sharp chuckling bark of the dark of the moon silver glow in the sky
What is the climax of A story? Parphrase or give an example, "verbatim", of an example of the climax in THIS story.
persuade inform entertain *entertain, inform
What is PIE? What is John's main person...subsequent purpose? (two answers are required for the second part)
Older woman - made inferences that she is from overseas - Africa - a land of exotic creatures and ivory.
Who is the character that has trepidation about living in the Badlands? He/she wants conversation, offers John a glass of water (that was requested). After this conversation, John doesn't want the night to find him in the Badlands.
The perspective, of the selection, offers insight into many of the characters' thoughts and feelings.
Define omniscient point of view.
cannot be explained
What is inexplicable?
Asi es la vida. That's the way it is...John couldn't explain how the Badlands were canceled out by the "Goodlands", simply due to a change in the hour of day. He just accepted it and all of its beauty.
What is the resolution of THIS story?
complex language (vocabulary is vivid and descriptive). the simple parts of his selection are only snipets (where the brief conversations occur between "the man of many words" and the couple discussing John's NY plates. His style appears formal, yet he wants to maintain an informal feel for the audience - writing to us and though he's simply engaging in a casual conversation.
What is John's style? Use words like complex versus simple; informal versus formal.
The "cowboy" leaning up against the barbed wire fence, a gun at his side, dead game at his feet...he was a man of "many" words...haha!
Who was the Badlander that John encountered and chose to make a satiric remark about her/his "talking too much"?