What they are
How to do them
When to do them
How they help trauma
This relaxation strategy is simple and anyone can do it at any time with no special tools.
What is deep breathing?
The two primary skills to use to help with grounding yourself in your current environment
What are 54321 and the stress ball?
When something you see, hear, smell, feel, or taste makes your brain start thinking about the trauma.
What are trauma reminders?
One way that the body feels after it has encountered traumatic events that relaxation skills might improve.
What are tense muscles, shakiness, rapid heart rate, etc.?
This type of relaxation skill brings you to the present moment. You can do it by paying attention to your 5 senses to take in information about your current environment.
What is grounding?
A way to do this is to imagine relaxation coming in and stress going out.
What is Tre Baldwin's way of meditative deep breathing?
When you're in the car and freaking out about how someone is driving.
What is hypervigilance / not feeling safe?
One way that the body feels after it has encountered traumatic events that relaxation skills might improve.
What is muscle tension, rapid heart rate, shakiness, etc.?
This relaxation skill involves closing your eyes for a few minutes, focusing on your breath and letting thoughts come and go.
What is meditation/mindfulness?
This style of deep breathing involves a child's toy.
What is deep breathing by blowing bubbles?
When you are starting to think things like "I'm not safe right now" or "it's gonna happen again," and you're feeling scared and like your whole life is over.
What are negative thoughts and feelings about the trauma?
Relaxation skills can help the body lose some of the tension it holds onto when feeling like danger is right around the corner. This is what a brain might say once it senses the body calming down.
What is "I'm safe now" or "I'm no longer in the trauma"?
This involves watching thoughts come and go without letting them stick.
What is meditation/mindfulness?
When your eyes go all black and you start feeling as if you're back at the time of the trauma.
What is a dissociative flashback?
When we're going through stressful times, this is the one thing we can all benefit from!
What is a break from all the stress and how does relaxation skills give you that?