This APPN type is traditionally associated with shipbuilding
SCN - Ship Conversion, Navy
This allows tasking of other users and ability to track progress toward completion of these tasks.
Action Items
This user is typically responsible for viewing collections of Management Accounts that all fund the same effort
Principal Lead
I want to compare branch requests to what the BOD has approved?
Baseline Comparison Report
What are the four standard filter categories available to users on most reports?
Suffix Attribute
SCN Specific
APPNs are linked to this element within a Budget Package.
This feature allows Branches to increase or decrease their BOD approved funding amounts.
Programming Actions
This user is responsible for viewing budget packages while in Branch Review, but at no time can edit cost data.
Branch Acceptor
I want to see which budget packages have been approved and which have not
BOD Review Status Report
What does TRBO stand for?
Tools and Resources for Budget Optimization
This appropriation is traditionally associated with the research and testing phase of the acquisition lifecycle.
RDT&E - Research, Development, Testing, and Engineering
What is the nomenclature used to refer to a 7100 form page that displays a suffix's labor cost data for the planned year window?
This user is responsible for the buildup of cost data for their assigned elements
Budget Executor
I want to see what performers are being used by my Branch and the total number of FTEs for each one
If you do not assign a milestone or due date to an Action Item, what does TRBO set as the default?
Date that is 2-weeks from creation date.
What is it called when SSP places a dollar value limit on the amount of money they are able to fund for a given APPN?
Control, or Control Level
This feature allows users to group suffixes across multiple budget packages that belong to a single effort.
Suffix Collections
This user's acceptance of a Budget Package establishes the requested baseline.
Branch Head
I want to see an aggregate total of summary labor costs being requested by my branch.
Detailed Cost Data Report
What are the two ways that a BFM can validate cost data?
1. Reviewing cost data history and approving changes to each suffix
2. Accepting the package when it is in Branch Review.
Funding Sources
This feature gives users the ability to rearrange how their cost data items appear in the modal and in the 7100 form PDF.
Manage Breakout Groups
This user has the ability to pull an approved budget package back into the BOD Review state.
Process Control
What is the name of the export document that provides PlanDoc details, broken down by CLIN, and includes sub-documents?
Financial Data Sheet
What is the most common Level 2 funding source that exists in TRBO?
Line Item (All but RDT&E)