What do you do first with a drunken sailor?
Shave his belly with a rusty razor!
What is the name of the Inn that the narrator's parents own?
The Admiral Benbow
What favour did the Captain pay the narrator to do?
Watch for the one-legged sailor
What is the real name of the Captain staying at the Inn?
Billy Bones
What pirate scared the Captain the most? Who was he most afraid of?
The one-legged pirate
What do you do second with a drunken sailor?
Put him in a long boat till he's sober!
Where do Jim and his mother hide from the pirates after the Captain dies?
Under the low bridge by the Admiral Benbow
How much money did Mother want to take from the treasure chest?
What she was owed.
Who stands up against the Captain in the Admiral Benbow and ignores his yelling for silence?
Dr. Livesey
What is the name of the sailor with 2 missing fingers?
Black Dog
What do you do third with a drunken sailor?
Anywhere except France.
He had a stroke.
What is the name of the Narrator of the story?
Jim Hawkins
The Pirates after the Treasure Chest were the crew of which captain? (What was the name of that captain)
Captain Flint
What do you do fourth with a drunken sailor?
Put him in a bed with the Captain's Daughter
What is the name of the ship bought to search for the treasure?
The Hispanola
Name 4 different things that were in the treasure chest.
Souvenirs, foreign coins, unworn clothes, trinkets, parchments, gold coins
What is the squire's name?
What pirate was surprisingly strong and mean?
The blind man
What is the chorus of the song?
Way hey and up she rises, way hey and up she rises, way hey and up she rises, earl'y in the morning
What is the name of the Tavern where the narrator meets John Silver for the first time?
The Sign of the Spyglass
When they opened it, what was in the packet that the narrator had taken from the Treasure Chest?
An accounting book and a map
Name 5 people who will be part of the new crew and their roles!
Hawkins - cabin boy, Squire - admiral, Livesey - doctor, redruth, joyce and hunter - sailors, Long John Silver - Cook
What is the real name of the old blind pirate?