Nouns, Nouns, Nouns
Reading Comprehension Skills
Plurals and Possessives
The definition of a noun.
What is a person, place or thing?
-ed at the end of a word typically indicates this tense.
What is past tense? (Ex- I jumped yesterday.)
Jeremy forgot his homework at school. He calls a friend to see if he can copy his blank worksheet. Identify the problem and the solution.
What is- forgetting homework at school is the problem, and calling a friend to make a copy is the solution?
A synonym for immense.
What is big, huge, gigantic, enormous?
The plural of moose.
What is moose?
The proper noun in the following list: dog, cat, car, German, fly?
What is German?
-s at the end of a word typically indicates this.
What is a plural? (Ex- Many hard-working students)
Ann loves movies. She goes to movie premieres, watches all the award shows, and reads biographies about famous directors and producers. Which of the following would be a career path Ann would most likely pursue? a). teaching b). nursing c). special effects coordinator d). musician
What is a special effects coordinator?
The meaning of the idiom "get a move on"
What is it's time to go, time to leave?
Plural, possessive, or both? The MEN'S swim team went to nationals.
What is both?
The noun(s) in the following sentence: Mary ran to the park with her friend.
What is Mary, park, friend?
-ly at the end of a word typically indicates this part of speech. (noun? adjective? adverb? verb?)
What is an adverb? (Example: He ran quickly to the field. An adverb generally tells HOW you do something)
Joe loves sports. His favorite athlete is Michael Jordan. He always is dribbling a ball or shooting hoops. Based on these clues, you can infer this is Joe's favorite sport.
What is basketball?
An antonym for the word determined.
What is lazy, unmotivated, apathetic, not caring?
Plural, possessive, or both? This SUMMER'S weather was great!
What is possessive?
The definition of a plural noun.
What is more than one of something? (ex- dogs is a plural noun because the "s" shows there is more than one dog)
What word would you use to indicate that a woman is taller than any other woman in the room?
What is tallest (She is the tallest woman)? (-est added to an adjective shows the superlative or that someone is the "most" ________ )
The main idea of the Liberation of Gabriel King, thus far, and a detail to support that main idea.
What is The Liberation of Gabriel King is about a boy and his best friend Frita who are working to overcome his fears (that's the main idea). A detail to support this would be that Gabriel King and Frita sit under the picnic table, her making lists of great things and him crossing things off the list.
"The pet on the bed hadn't been fed yet." Examples of ________________ are found in this line. a). repetition b). alliteration c). onomatopoeia d). assonance.
What is assonance?
Plural, possessive, or both? The fall COLORS made the drive to Michigan very enjoyable.
What is plural?
The definition of a possessive noun.
What is a noun that owns or possesses something? (example- horse's neck; horse's is a possessive noun because it owns its neck)
What word would you use to indicate that a dog is furrier than all the other dogs in the neighborhood?
What is furriest (That is the furriest dog!)? (Remember, the suffix -est is used to make superlative adjectives)
Joan is a nice lady. List 2 details that would support this inference.
What is she serves meals at a soup kitchen, she says, "Hi" to people on the street, she uses polite words even when she's mad? (possible answers)
Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down. Hickory dickory dock. ____________ can be seen in lines 1 and 5 of this verse.
What is repetition?
The correct sentence: a). Many horse's hooves needed to be cleaned. b). Many horses' hoofs needed to be cleaned. c). Many horses' hooves needed to be cleaned. d). Many horse's hooves' needed to be cleaned.
What is c) Many horses' hooves needed to be cleaned?