What's So Special About the Bible?
What's the Big Story of the Bible (Part 1)?
What's the Big Story of the Bible (Part 2)?
How Do We Interpret the Bible?
How Do We Use the Bible?
The Bible tells us that "all Scripture is _____________ and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work".
What is God-breathed or inspired by God
This is the first book in the OT where a prophecy about Jesus Christ is made
What is Genesis
Prior to the kingdoms of Israel being conquered, this is what the prophets warned the Israelites to do
What is to repent, or turn away from their rebellion, or start obeying God
These are the four types of books that we studied
What are narratives, poetry, prophecy, and letters (or epistles)
These are two benefits of reading the Bible
What are learning more about God and drawing closer to Him (growing my relationship with Him)
These were the type of men that mainly wrote the Old Testament
Who are prophets
These are the two things that God promised Abraham
What are to make his descendants numerous, and to give them land
He was the last prophet to speak to Israel before Christ was born
Who is Malachi
There are five books in the Bible classified as poetry books. These are three of them
What are Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon
When sharing the good news of Christ, this is what man's basic problem is
What is sin
This specific Person helps us to understand what the Bible is saying
Who is the Holy Spirit
When the Kingdom of Israel was divided, this many tribes were in the northern kingdom
What are ten
This is how long the intertestamental period is
What is 400 years
When we read a passage in Scripture, we want to ask three questions. These are two of them
What are context, historical setting, and big picture
When we discussed sharing the good news of the gospel, we looked at four verses in the Bible, all from this one book
What is the book of Romans
These are seven of the eight known authors of the New Testament
Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Jude, and Peter
These are the two kingdoms that conquered Israel because of their rebellion towards God
What are the Babylonian and the Assyrian Empire
When Jesus spoke to the Pharisees, He referred to Himself as a temple. One reason for this was that the temple was supposed to represent the ___________ of God
What is the presence
There are three reasons why there is poetry in the Bible, this is one of them
What are to help us worship God, confess our sin, and express honestly all our emotions to God
When we asked if it was enough to know what the Bible says, we said no, because we need to be ______ of the Word, and not just _________
What is doers and hearers
These are three of the four forms of evidence that verify the authenticity of the Bible
What are historical evidence, archeological evidence, prophecy, and corroborating eyewitness testimony
God demonstrated his power in Egypt by bringing these ten plagues against the Egyptians
What are: water to blood, frogs, gnats (or lice), flies, livestock sick, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of firstborn
All of Scripture points to C_____, and is a story about God r____________ His people
What is Christ, and redeeming (or restoring)
There are three reasons why there are letters in the Bible, these are two of them
What are to instruct, encourage, and warn believers
When James spoke about being a doer of the word and not just a hearer, he made this analogy to demonstrate what it meant
What is a man who looks in the mirror and then walks away and forgets what he looks like