This tree has opposite leaves that are pale green on upper surface and silvery white underneath.
What is Silver Maple?
This tree has alternate leaves that are compound with 9-17 leaflets.
What is Pecan?
This tree has leaves that look like a wedge or bell shaped.
What is Blackjack Oak?
This tree has needlelike, alternate leaves.
What is Baldcypress?
Tree communicate through an underground network of fungi called what?
What is the wood wide web?
This tress fruit is red in winged pairs.
What is red maple?
This tree has bright yellow buds.
What is Bitternut Hickory?
This tree has striped fruit that grow in clusters of 2 or 3.
What is Pin Oak?
This tree has reddish-brown or grayish bark that peels into papery strips.
What is River Birch?
Trees can grow on the moon.
There are 6 species of these in Missouri.
What is Ash?
This tree has an oval shaped and rounded crown with branches that droop a the bottom.
What is Shagbark Hickory?
This tree has a wide spreading and open crown with a tall straight trunk.
What is Black Oak?
This tree is large with a long clear trunk with a pyramidal crown.
What is Yellow Poplar?
How old is the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine Tree?
What is 5000 years old
These trees have a straggling, spreading crown and can be a small tree.
What is Flowering Dogwood?
This tree has gray bark with shallow grooves, plates that are flat, tight, never shaggy.
What is Mockernut Hickory?
This tree has leaves that are rounded at the tip with 6-10 lobes.
What is White Oak?
The fruit on this tree droops in cluster with the seed surrounded by a thin wing that has silvery hairs along the edge.
What is American Elm?
This is the science of calculating a tree's age by it's rings.
What is Dendrochronology?
This tree has bark that is gray and broken into plates, also has numerous scales.
What is Ohio Buckeye?
This tree has a dark reddish brown bark with ridges that are long, flat, and loose.
What is Pecan?
This tree has greenish-brown to gray color bark that is flat topped, with grayish bark appearing as stripes.
What is Northern Red Oak?
What is Kentucky Coffeetree?
A river birch can produce up to how many seeds per year.