Now I can Breathe
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Trees block these life-giving rays to cool the air beneath their branches.
What is sunlight
Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 10%, 30% or 50%
What is 30%
Trees receive most of their nutrition from the air or the soil.
What is air? (90%)
One large tree provides this many people with a day's worth of this essential gas, oxygen, critical for life on planet Earth. (4, 8, or 16?)
What is four
Trees provide a home for these nesting animals that bring joy and song to the local community
What are birds?
A hospital room with a view of trees has been documented to improve this for the patient.
What is speed of recovery
Trees absorb this harmful gas along with other potentially harmful gasses including sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
What is carbon dioxide
Trees provide a home for these nesting animals that bring joy to some and pain to many gardeners and homeowners.
What are squirrels?
The average tree in an urban/city area has a life expectancy of how many years? 20, 15 or 8?
What is 8 years.
Trees trap and hold these 3 airborne allergens that are harmful to us.
What are dust, smoke, and pollen?
Deciduous trees (the trees that lose their leaves in the fall or winter) block sunlight in the summer, but allow sunlight to reach and warm your home in the winter if you place them near this side of the house.
What is south; what is west? Accept either or both
if a trees rings are close together and light in colour. What condition did it grow in?
What is drought?
Trees cool the air, land, and water with shade and moisture, reducing this effect in urban areas.
(What is the heat-island effect? Note: An urban heat island is a metropolitan area that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities.)
How many trees does the average person use in a lifetime. A) 142 B) 9 C) 61 D) 13.5
What is 61
There are about 20,000 tree species in the world. Which country has the largest number of varieties? India or the US
What is India?