List the 4 bacterial shapes that help us classify them
What is cocci, baccili, vibrios, and spirochaetes
The sister taxa of archaea and 1 thing they share with their sister taxa
What is Eukarya and signature rRNA sequence
Osmotrophy is a way to classify protists by trophic type, what does this mean
What is heterotrophs that rely on uptake of small organic molecules
Some seed coats develop _______ for dispersal
a. ears
b. feet
c. flowers
d. wings
Name two traits that make fungi closely related to animals
What is heterotrophic, absorptive nutrition, and store extra food?
Describe the difference between a probiotics and an antibiotic
Probiotic is bacteria you add that helps, antibiotic is bacteria you add that kills
Where do archaea like to live?
What is extreme habitats with salinity, high and low temperatures, and high and low pH
What is flagellate, cilliate, and amboebae
I have a mature fern in my office that produces sporangia and gametangia, where do the sporangia occur at and what is their name?
What is the sori on the bottom of the fern leaves
State the term for both single celled and multicellular fungi
What is yeast and mycelia?
What is the earliest record of life
Archaen kingdom that is a parasite of another archaea. Options (Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, Korarchaeota, and Nanoarchaeota)
What is nanoarchaeota
What type of ecological role classification describes "animal-like" protists
The dominant generation for non vascular plants
What is gametophyte dominant?
80% of terrestrial plants have AMF, describe the characteristics of AMF
What is Arbuscular mycorrizae/endomycorrhizae that grow into root cell walls and plasma membranes to bring foot within roots. Highly branched with high surface area
Class of bacteria that is common in human gut and used to ferment dairy products. Options (Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Spirochaetes, Chlaymiae)
what is firmicutes
Archaen kindom that is abundant in the oceans and is mesophilic. Options (Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, Korarchaeota, and Nanoarchaeota)
What is thaumarchaeota
A scientist studying protist reproduction discovers a species that undergoes both asexual and sexual reproduction. In unfavorable conditions, it switches to a haploid-dominanat cycle, forming resistant diploid zygotes that later undergo meiosis. Given this information, which reproductive strategy does this protist most likely follow?
a. Gametic life cycle
b. Zygotic life cycle
c. Sporic life cycle
d. Asexual binary fission
e. Budding reproduction
What is b, zygotic life cycle
What is Monocot?
What is chitin
Class of bacteria that is gram positive and a huge source of antibiotics used in medicine today. Options (Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Spirochaetes, Chlaymiae)
What is actinobacteria
What is crenarchaeota
What group has cells that lack cell walls, although some produce an elaborate shell-like covering. When portions of the cell extend outward to move the cell, they are slender in shape. Options (amboebozoa, opisthokonta, excavata, plantae, rhizaria, alveolata, and stramenopila)
What is rhizaria
What are the characteristics of Gnetum?
What is broad leaves, vines, shrubs/trees in tropical africa or asia
Describe how Bd progresses within frogs
First the motile zoospore punches holes through frog skin to form zoosporangium, it grows and continues punching holes by spreading through water