Where can you find an aspen tree?
Everywhere in Europe and everywhere in Asia
What color is birch bark?
Birch bark is white
How tall can a hazel tree grow?
15 meters
What kind of leaves a red rowan has?
Arranged alternately and are pinnate
Can Cherry tree be found in Estonia?
Yes, Cherry tree can be found in Estonia
Who likes to eat aspen bark?
Wild animals
How tall does birch tree grow?
Birch tree usually grows 25-30 meters long
What is the most known food/sweet made out of hazelnuts?
What color is red rowan fruit?
Bright red or orange
Do birds eat Bird Cherry fruit?
Yes, birds love it
How tall does aspen tree usually grow?
35 meters
Which continent is fully covered with birch?
Europe is fullt covered with birch
When are hazelnuts harvested?
In Autumn
Where can I find a red rowan?
Everywhere in Europe
Are Bird Cherry fruits poisonous?
Yes, It’s slightly poisonous
What can you use aspen tree for?
For making plywood and matches
What part of birch tree is used for leather tanning?
Birch bark is used for leather tanning
Where do most of hazelnuts come from?
What kind of bark a red rowan has?
Light grayish and an oval
What colour are the buds of the Prunus Padus?
The buds of Prunus Padus are brown
What can you use aspen tree even if it’s rotten?
For firewood
Why is birch wood good for making furniture?
Birch wood is heavy and though and easy to mold
How many calories are in 100 grams of hazelnuts?
600 calories
What are they substitute for?
Coffee beans
What’s the Latin refrence of the Bird Cherry tree?
Prunus Padus