Creating a Card
Moving Cards
Filtering Cards

When should you make a Trello card?

When you have a new feature or idea for the project.


Do all Trello cards need to be linked externally?


Trello cards are the first step in the process, and should only be linked to external resources(Pull Request/Notion Page/GH Issue) when those resources are created.


Who can move a card?

Anyone who has verified the feature has changed status.


How can you find a card that has the term "webscraper" in it?

Search Cards for "webscraper"


Who can make a Trello card?


It's everyone's responsibility to keep Trello updated.


What should you link from GitHub to a Trello card?

Pull Request

GH Issue


Who can create a new Column for cards?

The Team Lead. If you think the project organization could be improved with the addition of a column, please say so!


How can you see all the cards you have been assigned to?

Select yourself from the Members section of the Search Cards menu


First step in making a Trello card?

Look to see if a Template card exists. If no Template card exists for what you need to accomplish, create a Template card.


What should you link from Notion to a Trello card?

- Relevant Documentation

When should a card be moved to "Ready for Work"?

When we start the Release Canvas associated with the feature described in the card.


How can you find all the cards labeled with "High Priority"?

Select "High Priority" from the labels section of the Search Cards menu


Can you create a new Trello card without using a template card?

Technically? Physically? Yes.

But not if you care for my spiritual or emotional health.


Describe at least five possible ways a Trello card can be linked to or from Notion, GH, and Slack

- Trello card linked to GH Issue

- GH issue linked to Trello card

- Notion doc Linked to Trello card

- Trello card linked to Notion Doc

- Slack thread linked to Trello card

- Trello card linked to Slack thread

- Pull Request linked to Trello Card

- Trello Card linked to Pull Request

- Trello Card linked to README


When should a card be moved to "Ready for Review"?

When a Pull Request has gone from a Draft to a Pull Request.


Who can move a card to "Cut from Project"?

Only the TL. If something has been removed from the scope of the project, your TL should be the one who removes it.


What columns should a new card be created under?

Either [Idea], [Data Science Component], [Web Component], or [UX Tasks].


What needs to be linked to the Trello card when it is moved from "Ready for Work" to "In Progress"

The Draft Pull Request.


What is most likely the problem if you have selected a filter criteria that you know should show on a card, but that card does not appear?

Double check that you don't have multiple filter criteria selected, or that you don't have anything typed into the search bar. Trello will filter by all these things at once.