What Animals did they take to WW1?
Cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses
What did the Germans use as pepper ?
What’s the name of the disease that you would get if your feet were wet too long?
Trench Foot
How long did the trenches stretch ?
What does No Man’s land mean ?
It meant that Legally no man could own the strip
What happens when you inhaled to much gas?
Your lungs would collapse
What would they use to make bread ?
Beans and saw-dust
Why would they amputate above the trench foot?
To stop the infection from spreading further
Why weren’t trenches dug in a straight line ?
So the enemies wouldn’t shoot in a straight line and kill them all.
What was No Man’s land covered in?
Barbed wire
How did they use the Slugs in WW1?
They were used to figure out when gas attacks would come.
What animal would they unfortunately eat ?
Rats and fried lice
How would they keep their feet dry ?
By wrapping them in dry socks, bandages and whale oil
were the trenches muddy or dry ?
Mostly Muddy
Where was No Man’s land laid?
In the middle of both trenches
Who used Gas the most in WW1?
what would they make coffee out of?
Coal tar
How would they get trench mouth ?
By having poor hygiene and a poor diet
Were they safe to the elements? ( rain snow ect)
No, they were not many solider‘s came down with frostbite.
What was the special time in No Man’s land ?
Where the opposing troops would lower there guns for soldier’s to grab there wounded and injured soldiers.
What was in the gas?
Chlorine, mustard gas ,bromine, phosgene
How would they use rat fat ?
They would cook spinach and potato Pattie’s in it.
what animal would give you yellow fever in WW1?
Mosquito‘s 🦟
Why did they have little gaps in the trench sand bags ?
For the guns to peak through.
How many Germans died in No Man’s land ?
Over 2,000,000 Germans