Trent gave up professional athletics to pursue this musical instrument.
What is the trombone?
The popular phrase the Goonies shout.
What is "Goonies Never Die!"?
This 80's rocker was know for biting the head off of a live bat during a concert.
Who is Ozzy Osbourne?
Trent's childhood best friend.
Who is Jake Perry?
Name Trent's favorite color.
What is blue?
This is Trent's astrological sign.
What is Pisces?
Which 80s movie was Alan Rickman’s first feature film role?
What is Die Hard?
This British band was named after a character in a the Jane Fonda movie, Barbarella.
Who is Duran Duran?
This was Trent's favorite family member growing up.
Who is Scooter?
This woman was Trent's favorite elderly companion.
Who is Grammie Irma?
The secret ingredient in Trent's hair formula.
What is saliva?
Name of movie where John Cusack holds a boom box over his head.
What is Say Anything?
The year that Madonna's Material Girl was released.
What is 1984?
This is Jeff and Justin's favorite Christmas memory with Trent.
What is the soggy diaper staircase incident?
Trent's favorite brand of chips.
What is Kirkland tortilla strips?
The number of car accidents Trent was in before he was married.
What is 3 car accidents?
The planet the Ewoks are from.
What is Endor?
Name the 5 members of Bon Jovi.
Who are Jon, Richie, Alec, Tico, David?
The name of Trent's Volkswagen in high school.
What is Betty Blue?
Name Trent's favorite brand of socks.
What is Puma?
Name all 4 nicknames for Trent's kids.
What is Gooker, Skitch, Scooter, & Princess?
Which 80s movie was the highest grossing film of the decade?
What is E.T. The Extraterrestrial?
What 80's rap group collaborated with Aerosmith?
Who is Run D.M.C.?
The people who showed Trent his first movie with exposed breasts.
Who are Jeff and Justin?
Name Trent's go-to Swig order.
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