Final cut
Olympic sports
Star Wars expanded

A member of the crew wearing jeans was accidentally left in the background of the shot and blew up on the internet from this series.

What is The Mandalorian?


This sport is the only one involving a table

What is table tennis?


This character transformed her dads old titan and turned into a very maneuverable jetpack.

Who is Valkyrie?


This very modern item made it into the final cut of Game of Thrones.

What is a Starbucks cup?


In the video game series Five Nights at Freddy's this is the name of the Purple Guy

Who is William Afton?


When going into a bar to look for a bounty hunter, Obi-Wan is offered this drug

What are Death sticks?

In this movie the main character is supposed to blow up a hospital but the explosives weren't going off so he took a stroll through the street until they eventually went off.

What is Joker?


In the video game series Halo, this is what the Spartan program was originally made for.

What is fighting insergents?


After killing two sith inquisitors, this force user purified the red crystals and gave her her signature white lightsabers

Who is Ahsoka Tano?


In this movie the animatronics malfuntioned due to the rain and accidentally broke through a car too far. The child actors' screams were actual screams of fear.

What is Jurassic Park?


This sport is a type of basketball and was added during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

What is 3x3 Basketball?


A scene from this movie was left in when the actors were doing voice warmups by banging their chests.

What is The Wolf of Wallstreet?


This sport consists of players skiing along a marathon track and stopping in certain areas to take marksman shots at 5 targets.

What is the Biathelon?