Why was Trevor considered a crime
Because during apartheid it was illegal for white people and colored people to have any sexual interactions
What is Apartheid ?
a system of legalized racial segregation that separates and oppresses people based on race or ethnicity. (a crime against humanity that's prohibited by international law)
Who is patricia ?
Trevor’s mom
In what chapter did Trevor make his family believe there was a demon in there house
Chapter 3
Why did Trevor's mom name him Trevor?
because she wanted to make sure he had a normal name that wouldnt sepreata him from black to white
Where did Trevor Noah live ?
South africa Soweto
What was the immorality act ?
a law that prohibited sexual interactions between Europeans and natives
Who is Robert ?
Trevor’s dad
In what chapter did Noah and his mom jump out of a minibus
Chapter 1
Why did Trevor’s dad not live with him and why did he call him Robert in public
Because someone might start asking questions or call the police because it was considered a crime for a European and African to “mix“
how many churches did Trevor attend on Sundays
3 , mixed church, white church and black church.
What is Obstinance ?
a characteristic of being impossibly stubborn
Who was koko ?
Trevor’s grandma
In what chapter did Trevor accidentally burn down a house
Chapter 6
What lesson did FuFi teach Trevor when she went to another boys house
You do not own the thing that you love
How many pets did Trevor know have growing up , and what where they ?
4 ) 2 cats and 2 dogs Fufi and panther
What is Bewilderment ?
feeling of confusion
Who was temperance ?
Trevor’s grandpa
What chapter does trevor reply in Zulu to the group of boys trying to mug him
Chapter 4
Why did Trevor’s teacher not want to switch him out of his all white class to a colored kid class ?
Because he was “different“ from the other kids because he was smart unlike the colored kids
What kind of car did trevor have growing up and why did he hate it
A tangerine volkswagen Beetle, he hated it because it always broke down
What is Ramification ?
The results or effects of an action,especially those that are not immediately obvious
Who was Andrew ?
Trevor’s younger half brother
(son of Abel and Patricia)
In what chapter does trevor talk about his mom taking him to white neighborhoods
Chapter 5
What lesson did Trevor learn why he burnt down a house
To stop pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules