Leave No Trace
Trails of Lunenburg County
Outdoor Cooking

What were Mi'kmaq canoes traditionally made from?

Birch Bark

(Bonus: and Spruce Roots)

How many Principles of Leave No Trace are there?



The Rhodenhizer Brooks Falls hike is a 3Km hike located at the MARC in Dayspring. The trail follows MODL’s newly opened Panikiskiaq (Ban-ee-gis-gee-okh) Nature Pathway. 

What does Panikiskiaq mean? 

(Hint: On the sign!)

“Sun Beams though”


You can make lovely poutine or roasted veggies if you wrap them in this material and place them in a fire.



This is the small species of woodpecker in North America. Lives in forests and eats mostly insects, seeds and berries. 

(Hint: Laundry detergent)

Downy Woodpecker


What's the name of the most common steering stroke?

J Stroke


When packing for an outdoor adventure, it is important to consider this variable factor.



This 8km hike starts at Hirtle’s Beach and is a 124-acre property that is designated as a protected coastline and wilderness area with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Great Ocean Views! 

(Hint: has a hidden beach pictured here!)

Gaff Point


If you have a cardboard box, tinfoil, tape, wire racks, briquettes and cans for a stand you could make this item and bake yourself some lovely brownies or pizza.

Box Oven


This falcon is also known as a duck hawk. It eats primarily other birds. It’s very fast! It can fly at over 322km/h. 

(Hint: Smile!)

Peregrine Falcon


Best way to keep the canoe stable while moving?

Staying low


This should not be done to any animals you come across while outside.

Touch, feed, get too close to, or pickup


This 6km trail has many color-coded loops (pink, blue, green, yellow). Its trailhead is on Fish Peddler’s Road and has a look off that gives you a small glimpse of the LaHave River. 

(Hint: Don’t go off the trail too far as there is a gun range nearby!)

Indian Path Common


This is a Swedish torch. You can use it to cook on if you need a level spot to put your pan . It also has a Canadian name. Can you guess it?

Canadian Candle


The most abundant, variable and adaptable sparrow in North America. If you see a streaky sparrow in an open, shrubby or wet area, perching on a low shrub and singing a stuttering, clattering song it is this bird.

(Hint: Name is in the clue!)

Song Sparrow


Name 4 required safety items for canoeing (there are more than 4)

PFD, Rope, Bailer, Whistle, Spare Paddle, Light at Night, etc.


It is important to consider durability of these two things when travelling off-trail.

Surfaces and Vegetation


This trail is explosive! It starts in Martin’s River and goes all the way to Mahone Bay if you so choose. 

(Hint: It connects to the Bay to Bay trail (Mahone Bay to Lunenburg) and the Adventure trail (Mahone Bay to Bridgewater).)

Dynamite Trail


A cast iron pot with a lid that you can use to cook directly in a fire or above a fire or cover with coals from a fire is called a………?

Dutch Oven


A lovely unassuming little brown thrush with a reddish tail that you find in forests in the summer and the winter.

(Hint: someone who likes to live away from society)

Hermit thrush


What two paddle shapes are named after animals?

(Hint: It's from the shape of their tail.)

Otter tail, Beavertail


When you are disposing of solid human waste, your cat hole should be this many inches deep.

6 to 8 inches


If you hike all of the trails in this category you can receive a badge that is offered by Hike Nova Scotia. 

(Hint: the Community name in this Category is in the answer.)

District of Lunenburg Hike badge


Name one dessert that is NOT a s’more that we have made at a meeting or camp over a fire.

Anything other than a s'more!


This owl’s hoot sounds like “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all? They don’t migrate all that much and tend to stay close in the same place. 

(Hint: Hunted by the Great Horned Owl)

Barred Owl