This is how to spell Masamune
This is the amount of maps the Winter's Howl can be found in.
What is 3?
This is the first map to introduce female zombies
What is Shangri-La?
This is the amount of maps in which a free gobblegum can be attained.
What is 2?
This is the artifact that can hold people's souls.
What is the Summoning Key
This is how you spell Nan Sapwe
What is Nan Sapwe
This is how you upgrade the Hell's Retriever in BOTD
What is:
Get kills in Recreation Yard until wolf howls
Find blue Cerberus head and throw retriever at it
Find and spirit blast wolf on dog round
This is the first map to introduce a new movement mechanic
What is Shi No Numa?
These are the Origins Easter Egg Steps.
1: Secure the Keys
2: Ascend From Darkness
3: Rain Fire
4: Unleash the Horde
5: Skewer the Winged Beast
6: Wield a Fist of Iron
7: Raise Hell
8: Freedom
These are the artifacts retrieved used in Der Eisendrache
What are the Golden Rod and Keeper Stone
This is how you spell Tufbrew
What is Tufbrew?
This is the amount of placeable explosives have been featured.
What is 4?
This is the amount of languages map names have been in.
What is 4?
This is the world record time for Die Rise
What is 4:54?
What are the Focusing Stone and Vril Device
What is Nar-Ullaqua
This is the amount of hats in Revelations.
What is 8? Bonus for naming all 8
This is the amount of maps with more than 4 playable characters.
What is 3?
This is the amount of that an Easter Egg involves a form of Simon Says
What is 5?
These are the objects placed inside of a Pyramid Device at any time, in any way.
What are the Focusing Stone, Vril Device, Summoning Key, and Elemental Shard?
This is how you spell Kreema'ahm la Ahmahm
What is Kreema'ahm la Ahmahm
These are the tacticals found on Moon.
What are Gersch Devices, QEDs, and Monkey Bombs
These are the maps that feature upgradable tactical equipment
What are Shadows of Evil, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations
These pieces, found on Die Rise, contain Chinese symbols needed to complete the egg.
What are Mahjong tiles?
These are the symbols on the front of the Kronorium.
Ritual, Trap, Servant, Zombie