The abrupt and complete cessation of effective circulation
Cardiac Arrest
This is were you would splint a patient who has a fracture.
What is the Treatment center?
Physician, ICU nurse, RT, anesthesia, and possibly pharmacy, radiology, and laboratory personnel make up
Code/Resuscitation Team
Shockable rhythms that account for 25% of cardiac arrest
(hint- there's two)
Ventricular tachycardia & Ventricular fibrillation
Elements include a rate of 100-120, depth of 2-2.4 inches, chest compression fraction > 80%, full chest recoil, no hyperventilation
high-quality CPR
This leads to impressions of insensitivity and biases towards patients who are different racially, sexually, or ethnically
Lack of cultural considerations
Identify Cardiac Rythym
Ventricular Fibrillation
This victim has a serious and potentially life-threatening injury/ injuries, but not expected to deteriorate further over the next several hours
Delayed/ Yellow triage tag color