We use these as a system to track which brothers the pledges have talked to.
What are interviews?
It happens every homecoming in the fall, we dedicate an entire position to help put together this event.
What is the pig roast?
The very first Triangle chapter was here.
Where is University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign?
Happening tomorrow night at the house.
What is St. Patrick's Day CDN?
Pledges are required to talk to Eboard members to complete these.
What are qual cards?
Right before fall semester, the brothers rent out an AirBnB to plan for the semester, hold workshops, and be degenerates for this event.
What is Brotherhood Retreat?
Triangle Fraternity all began when 16 juniors came together, all of which were this major.
What is civil engineering?
This coming Wednesday, led by Jared and Sam.
What is Drunk History?
Who you are today and what your values are, all formed by what Triangle calls this.
What is a crucible moment?
Alum Ryan Buckner is desperate to organize trivia night most Wednesdays, held at this establishment.
The first rattle was installed on May 16th, 1923, at this Triangle chapter.
What is Illinois Institute of Technology, Armour?
Right after finals, brothers will be heading for this 2 night 3 day event.
What is the camping trip?
An assignment is given to pledges to write an essay about this play.
What is Everyman?
Occasionally, we will take a bus to watch the Madison Capitols when Capitol Ice Arena holds this event.
What is dollar beer night?
The very first obligation in the Code of Ethics requires observation of the Fraternity precepts as set forth during this event.
What is ritual?
Pledges must create pledge paddles for their fathers, which SHOULD include these 3 things.
What is your pledge name, your fathers name, your pledge semester?
Every spring, we organize a formal, which include handing out these 4 awards.
What are Best Pledge, Most Outstanding Brother, Most Outstanding Active, and Most Outstanding Alumni?
Before the first actual rattle was delivered, a brother suggested that future pledges at the Minnesota chapter be required to kiss this object.
What is a pacifier?
2 more of these will be happening on Thursdays in April, and Sumner will decide on the agenda.
What is Triangle After Hours?