Employment Site/Job Club
Travel Safety
Social Boundaries

True or False: Cellphone usage is appropriate when staff is teaching a lesson. 



How should you treat your peers in a work setting?

With respect and as if they were your coworkers. 


What is 1 thing you should have when in the community with Triangle?

Your emergency name tag (on lanyard)


How should you follow travel safety procedures?

Wearing your seatbelt, keeping your voice at an appropriate tone, if listening to music use headphones.


What do physical boundaries do? 

Protect your space and body, your right to not be touched, to have privacy, and to meet your physical needs such as resting or eating


Name 2 things you should do when you arrive in your program room. 

1. Check your schedule, decide what you're doing today. 

2. Socialize with peers and staff 


What is a requirement of job club? 

Dress for success and try your best! 


True or False: It is okay to use hand sanitizer when out in the community in place of washing your hands when you are not near a public restroom.



Where should you stand when waiting for the subway? 

Behind the line with group


Give an example of appropriate touch. 

Fist bump, high five, elbow bump


Name something you can do if you don't agree with your ISP goal.

Setup a meeting with program coordinator to discuss. 


True or False: It is okay to kiss or hug your coworkers.

False- acts of affection such as kissing, hugging, intimate touch, verbal statements such as "I love you" or "Thanks baby" is inappropriate


How can you be safe in the community?

Looking both ways when crossing the street, pressing the walk signal before crossing the road, not using cellphone when crossing the street, staying with staff and your group. 


True or False: It is okay to unbuckle my seatbelt before the van is parked

False - stay seated and buckled until staff direct you to unbuckle 


Why is it important to set healthy boundaries? 

To practice self-care and self-respect

 To communicate your needs in a relationship 

To make time and space for positive interactions


What should you do if/when you leave the programming area?

Tell staff, participants should only be gone for 5 minutes or less, return to the group and engage in assigned activity. 


True or False: It is appropriate to talk about personal relationships, politics and gossip while at an employment site or job club 

False: Topics should remain professional, and related to goals or current events. 


What is something you should not do while out in the community on a structured outing?

Using cellphone for leisure (Ex. texting, social media, YouTube, etc) 


List 3 types of appropriate touch you can use while on the van.

First bumps, high fives, handshakes, etc.

True or False: It is appropriate to comment on staff and/or peers appearance? Ex. You are pretty 

False. Ex. You look professional today is an appropriate comment to say to a staff/peer. 


When is it okay to call, text or email staff?

Only during Triangle business hours: 

Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm


What are the requirements when scheduled for work? 

Work comes first, bring lunch or money, break time is 30 minutes, working entire shift, dress appropriately for the job in which you are scheduled (i.e. uniform, button up shirt, closed toe shoes)


What should you do if you are separated from your group?

Stay where you are, if you have a cellphone call staff member or call the emergency number on your emergency name tag lanyard, ask a police officer or MBTA staff for assistance. 


When in the van, if you are listening to music what should you always make sure you have in order to not disturb others around you?



True or False: If I want to talk to my staff late at night, it is okay to call/text them.

False: You should not be reaching out to staff outside of the hours of 8:00am-4:30pm unless it’s been previously discussed for work reasons or an emergency. 


If a peer is speaking to a staff member and you overhear what they're saying what should you do? How should you respond? 

Stop listening, let staff handle it. 


True or False: It's okay to ask your coworker for their address and phone number? 

False- asking for personal information is inappropriate in the workplace 


Give 3 examples of an appropriate interaction in the community

Giving personal space, practicing appropriate touch- handshake, fist bump, elbow (COVID), having appropriate work conversation, staying away from personal topics.


True or False: You can go out in the parking lot alone and wait for staff by the van



True or False: You can walk into an office if the door is shut 

False - if the door is shut, knock and if no one answers walk away