True OR False
Talk about it
Identifying High Risk Factors

True or False: Everyone experiences triggers 



What is a trigger? 

A trigger is something that sparks an emotion within us. Triggers can make you upset, angry, or even happy. Triggers can be a date, a smell, something someone says/does, a picture, or anything that reminds you of something that makes you feel an emotion.


What is the difference between a lapse, and  a relapse

A lapse is using once and then getting back on track.

A Relapse is using and continuing to use for a period of time.


Name 1 positive trigger & 1 negative trigger

Tell us about it 


Talk about a time that you felt triggered. How did you handle the situation? If handled negatively, what could you have changed to make it more positive?

Tell us about it 


True or False: Triggers can only create negative feelings and emotions

False: Triggers can also remind us of happy memories and thoughts as well 


Who is someone you trust that you can go to when you are feeling triggered?

Tell us about this person 


What sort of feelings do you get from a craving?

open discussion


Think of a happy trigger... Now, tell us what triggered the happy memory and how it made you feel.

Tell us about it


What are 3 moods you often feel during the day?

Tell us about your moods


True or False: Once we are triggered we cannot do anything that can help control our feelings or actions

False: Once we figure out what our triggers are we can take steps to control our feelings and use coping skills. That way we can control our actions better.


Can your mood change several times a day? Why or why not?

Yes: There are always different events/people/things/etc that we encounter throughout our day that can change our mood and how we feel 


How would you define “high-risk situation”?

people, places and things that cause you to relapse. 


Ana was in the store and heard a song that reminded her of her best friend. Hearing the song made her smile. Is that a trigger? Why or why not?

Yes, it is a happy trigger that made her think about someone she cared about or a memory she had of them.


How do you know when you need to use a coping skill?

Tell us about it

True or False: Our mood only effects us and how we are feeling. Everyone else around us is not effected.

False: Your mood can effect the people around you


Name 3 things that trigger positive feelings in you & 3 things that trigger negative feelings in you. 

3 positive triggers = 

3 negative triggers = 


Name 3 things you can do to prevent a relapse.

A attend a NA/AA meeting

B go for a walk

C call and friend


How can being triggered impact our mood?

It can make us feel angry, upset, or sad even when we were just feeling happy or okay.


What is a feeling that you may have that can make you more likely to respond to something in a negative way?

Tell us about it


True or False

Can what is happening around you be a trigger? Examples: Noises, smells, temperature, other people in the room/space 

True: Noises, smells, temperature, other people in the room/space can trigger positive or negative feelings in you 


How do you know when you're feeling triggered?

Tell us about it


What are 3 things you can do to help limit a craving?. 

Tip #1 – Be aware of your triggers

Tip #2 – Maintain physical health

Tip #3—Don’t test yourself


There are two types of triggers, internal and external. Give us an example of one of the types of triggers.

Tell us about it 


What is a trigger that someone in your family may experience?

Tell us about it