Figurative Language
Central Idea
Supporting Details
Text Structure
Point of View

The following example contains what type of figurative language?

While the plumber was under the sink fiddling with the pipes, the drain burped up a spray of brown water.



What is another name for the central idea of a text?

Main Idea


Select the sentence containing the best evidence to support the statement that it's not always easy to tell when a flood will occur.

(1) Floods are one of the most common hazards in the United States. (2) Flood effects can be local, impacting a neighborhood or community, or very large, affecting entire river basins in multiple states. (3) However, all floods are not alike. (4) Some floods develop slowly, sometimes over a period of days. (5) But flash floods can develop quickly, sometimes in just a few minutes and without any visible signs of rain. (6) Flash floods often have a dangerous wall of roaring water that carries rocks, mud, and other debris and can sweep away most things in its path.

(5) But flash floods can develop quickly, sometimes in just a few minutes and without any visible signs of rain.


True or False? A text can have more than one text structure; it can vary from paragraph to paragraph.



The following excerpt is told from what point of view?

If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself. 

Second Person


The following example contains what type of figurative language?

When Lee Mellon finished the apple he smacked his lips together like a pair of cymbals.



Read the passage below and determine the central idea.

There are many good reasons to learn a second language. A second language can improve your understanding of your native language, open the door to new job opportunities, and help you learn about other cultures. Yet, European students are far more likely to study foreign languages in school than American students. To address this gap, several states have begun doing more to encourage biliteracy—the ability to read and write in two languages. California, New York, and Illinois are among the states that have passed laws establishing a state "Seal of Biliteracy." A Seal of Biliteracy shows that a student has achieved proficiency in a second language. Supporters of the seals say that they honor the importance of second-language learning. The seals also provide colleges and future employers with evidence of students' abilities.

A. Although second-language learning is important, students in the United States are less likely than those in Europe to learn a second language.

B. Fewer American students than European students learn a second language, so some states are promoting the study of foreign languages.

B. Fewer American students than European students learn a second language, so some states are promoting the study of foreign languages.


Select the sentence containing the best evidence to support the statement that in the late 1800s, it was easier for magazine companies to do business.

(1) At the turn of the 20th century, short stories were a preferred form of entertainment in the United States. (2) This was a boom time for magazine publishing, owing in part to developments in offset printing technology as well as to the postal act of 1879, which had granted magazines discounted mailing rates. (3) Publications such as Ladies Home Journal, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Delineator, all of which published short stories, sold more than half a million copies per issue. (4) The authors of these stories were well known at the time and often well paid.

(2) This was a boom time for magazine publishing, owing in part to developments in offset printing technology as well as to the postal act of 1879, which had granted magazines discounted mailing rates.


The following signal words typically indicate which type of text structure: because of, since, as a result of.

cause & effect


The following excerpt is told from what point of view?

Jeremiah squinted from the sun. He was thinking about the game. They could have won. He could have won the game for them. All he needed to do was catch the ball, but he didn't. He dropped it. His coach talked to him. "Jeremiah, we had a great season. Nobody's perfect. Look at me," he said. Jeremiah smiled at the coach, but he couldn't forgive himself so easily.

Third Person Limited


The following example contains what type of figurative language?

We have lived in New York State for three months so far, but it feels like a hundred years to me.



Read the passage below and determine the central idea.

April Fools' Day is celebrated around the world, although it varies somewhat from country to country. In the United States, for example, it's a day to play practical jokes. In France, where the holiday is known as Poisson d'Avril, or April Fish, people secretly tape paper fish on their friends' backs. A common April Fools' prank in Portugal is to throw flour on someone; in Scotland, the most popular trick involves sending someone on a useless errand. Denmark celebrates April Fools' Day on April 1, but some people there celebrate again in May. Maj-kat, on May 1, is yet another day for jokes and pranks in the spring.

A. Though there are variations in how different countries observe April Fool’s Day, the celebrations all involve playing pranks.

B. On Poisson d’Avril, France’s version of what Americans call April Fool's Day, pranksters tape paper fish to people's backs, whereas in Portugal, a common prank is to throw flour on someone.

A. Though there are variations in how different countries observe April Fool’s Day, the celebrations all involve playing pranks.


Select the sentence containing the best evidence to support the statement that allergies can have a wide level of severity. 

(1) Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the US… More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year.

(2) Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to substances that generally do not affect other individuals. (3) These substances, or allergens, can cause sneezing, coughing, and itching. (4) Allergic reactions range from merely bothersome to life threatening. (5) Some allergies are seasonal, like hay fever. (6) Allergies have also been associated with chronic conditions like sinusitis and asthma. 

(7) Anyone may have or develop an allergy from a baby born with an allergy to cow’s milk, to a child who gets Poison Ivy, to a senior citizen who develops hives after taking a new medication.

(4) Allergic reactions range from merely bothersome to life threatening.


The following signal words typically indicate which type of text structure: as well as, either, similar to.

Compare and Contrast


The following excerpt is told from what point of view?

April opened the escape hatch. She was afraid to jump, but she realized that the airship was sinking. She looked at Vince, who was strapping on his parachute. Vince locked eyes with her and then he realized the error in his conduct. "I'm sorry, April. That was ungentlemanly of me. Let me help you with yours." He proceeded to attach the other parachute to April's back. This made him feel a little better.

Third Person Omniscient


The following example contains what type of figurative language?

The world was so calm that Lily could hear herself blink under the moonlight.



Read the passage below and determine the central idea.

On November 17, 1968, football fans across the United States sat glued to their televisions. A close game between two top teams—the New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders—was being broadcast. When the Jets pulled ahead with only fifty seconds remaining, viewers went wild. But then, just as the Raiders were bringing the ball across midfield, the game disappeared from the screen! In its place, a previously scheduled children's movie, Heidi, started playing. Callers flooded the TV network's phone lines, but it was too late. The Raiders scored two touchdowns in the very final moments—touchdowns that were unseen by all but West Coast viewers. As a result of the interrupted event, dubbed "the Heidi game," television networks now wait until football games are over to begin playing any other programs. 

A. After Heidi interrupted a crucial moment during a televised football game, the TV network received numerous calls from angry viewers who were unable to watch the final moments of the game.

B. After Heidi interrupted a crucial moment during a televised football game, networks began to delay regularly scheduled shows until football games were over.

B. After Heidi interrupted a crucial moment during a televised football game, networks began to delay regularly scheduled shows until football games were over.


Select the sentence containing the best evidence to support the statement that generations have used their knowledge of forces to move massive objects.

(1) For thousands of years, people have recognized the importance of forces. (2) Even if they do not fully understand them, they have certainly known how to use them. (3) Fantastic monuments like the pyramids in Egypt, the statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England were built because our ancestors had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier. (4) That process of using forces to make life easier continues today. (5) You can see it in action around you and everything from your can opener to a scooter, from the family car to a pair of scissors.

(3) Fantastic monuments like the pyramids in Egypt, the statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England were built because our ancestors had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier.


Directions for building a birdhouse would be an example of which text structure?



The following excerpt is told from what point of view?

Brian could not bear to be on the roof of the skyscraper any longer. He wasn't usually afraid of heights, but the wind was so strong, and Rufus kept messing with him. "Would you try to land on your feet or your head?" Rufus asked with a straight face. Rufus could tell that he was getting to Brian, which only encouraged him to keep going. "Let's go look over the edge, Brian," suggested Rufus, knowing full well that Brian would refuse.

Third Person Omniscient 


The following example contains what type of figurative language?

The sunburn was a fire that spread over my back.



Read the passage below and determine the central idea.

Our early ancestors were hunter-gatherers who obtained food by hunting and by searching for edible wild plants. They needed strong bones, including large, strong jaws that enabled them to eat tough, uncooked foods. When our ancestors developed agriculture, however, their diet changed. They began growing plants, such as grains and beans, and raising animals for food; they also started cooking their foods, making them softer and easier to chew. Consequently, the human skeleton underwent radical changes. Over time, the human jaw became smaller and changed shape. Other bones also evolved, becoming lighter, especially in the joints, as a result of both dietary changes and a less active lifestyle.

A. As early humans developed agriculture, their bones changed significantly.

B. Early humans ate uncooked meats and vegetables, so they needed strong jaws for chewing.

A. As early humans developed agriculture, their bones changed significantly.


Select the sentence containing the best evidence to support the statement that before the U.S. entered World War II, many Americans believed that the U.S. should avoid international conflict.

(1) The United States was unprepared for war. (2) Many people and politicians were “isolationists” who saw no reason why their country should fight Germany or Japan.

(3) All that changed with the attack on Pearl Harbor. (4) In 1939, the US army had 190,000 men. (5) By 1945, it would have 10.4 million! (6) Millions more were in the Navy, marines, and in the Army Air force. (7) Newly enlisted men would March on the bases that were still under construction. (8) Clark companies stopped making cars for civilians and started making jeeps, trucks, tanks, and other vehicles for the military. (9) Tire companies had to create synthetic rubber because Japan had captured the only countries in the world that produced natural rubber.

(2) Many people and politicians were “isolationists” who saw no reason why their country should fight Germany or Japan.


Read the following excerpt and determine the text structure.

During World War I, British and American warships were at grave risk of German U-boat, or submarine, attacks. Warships were easily visible against the surrounding ocean. So British artist Norman Wilkinson proposed a scheme to address this concern. Rather than trying to hide the ships, he suggested painting them with bright shapes to confuse the enemy. More than a thousand ships were painted with bold patterns, including complex patterns on the bow and stern to confuse onlookers about which end was which. This technique, called dazzle camouflage, may not have actually confused the enemy, but it was effective in making the crews of the "dazzle boats" feel safer.



The following excerpt is told from what point of view?

The bell rang. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for science! I've got to go," said Cassie to her friend Tom. Tom rolled his eyes and said, "Little Miss Perfect can't be late." This upset Cassie. She hated when people gave her a hard time for trying to do the right thing, especially Tom. "Quiet you," she said while swinging at Tom with her folder. He narrowly dodged the strike and said, "Be careful now. Attacking another student is a level two offense." Then he smiled a big, cheesy grin at her.

Third Person Limited