Ideas and Thinkers
Wars and Revolutions
Religion, Culture and Science
Colonization and Imperialism
Global Processes and Trade
This political thinker believed that governments should protect the people's right to "life, liberty and property"
Who is John Locke?
The order in which the following revolutions occurred: 1. French 2. American 3. Latin American 4. Haitian
What is the American, the French, the Haitian, and the Latin American?
The selling of these triggered Martin Luther's attack on the Catholic Church.
What are indulgences?
The Spanish led to the downfall of these two empires in the Americas.
What are the Aztecs and the Incas?
This process contributed to the introduction of new crops like the potato and corn to the Old World as well as the introduction of new diseases to the New World.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
This Enlightenment concept argued that governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed.
What is the social contract?
Frustration with high taxes and exclusion from decision-making were major causes for these revolutions: Options: - American - French - Haitian - Latin American
What are the American, French, and Latin American revolutions
This was an intellectual movement that influenced Renaissance scholars to emphasize the importance and achievements of humanity.
What is humanism?
These were the two major causes of the Aztec and Incan downfall.
What are gunpowder and disease?
Fuel Sources and surplus capital are prerequisites for this process:
What is the Industrial Revolution?
This individual was the author of the Wealth of Nations, a foundational work in the development of capitalism.
Who is Adam Smith?
This conflict began due to Britain's desire to gain access to Chinese products and their desire to open up China's economy to British goods.
What is the Opium War?
This social class began to demand greater participation in the government during the industrial revolution.
What is the middle class?
The expansion of this empire caused European nations, led by the Portuguese and Spanish, to try to find new, all-water routes to the Indian Ocean, leading to the discovery of the New World.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
This civilization was generally skeptical of outsiders and sought to limit trade and reject their technology.
What is China?
This belief was derived from the scientific theory of evolution and used to argue for white superiority over other races
What is Social Darwinism?
This ideological movement served as the ideological basis for the Atlantic Revolutions.
What was the Enlightenment?
This intellectual movement led to the development of theory of gravity and planetary motion and contributed to the development of Enlightenment thinking.
What is the Scientific Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution contributed to Imperialism for these reasons: (identify 2)
What are: - Increased need for raw materials for factory production - The desire to open up foreign markets to sell surplus manufactured goods - Increased technology gave European countries a military advantage
The ideals of the French Revolution were inspirational for the leaders of which other revolution?
What is the Haitian Revolution?
Karl Marx believed that this was required in order to create a utopian, classless society
What is violent revolution?
The type of revolution that Simon Bolivar wanted for Latin America:
What is a political revolution?
John Locke and other Enlightenment scholars believed that governments have a responsibility to protect this.
What are individual / natural rights?
Europeans used this idea - that they had an obligation to conquer foreign nations in order to educate and civilize the people there - to justify imperialism.
What is the White Man's Burden?
These political movements were inspired by the conditions of the Industrial Revolution
What is Socialism and Communism?