Academic Skills
Social Studies
Economics of Life

Mention one example on what you should avoid when you write or speak formally.

› The use of contractions. When you use formal language, be careful to use complete words.

› The use of phrasal verbs. These can be substituted by verbs with the same meaning, for example, “go up” can be substituted by “rise,” or “increase.”

› Abbreviations, like “lab,” or “info.” Always use complete words. The right words would be “laboratory” and “information.”

› Slang. Some examples of modern slang are “bae,” “on point,” “LOL,” and “salty.”


It’s everything that takes up in the universe (liquid, solid, gas)



The internal energy of the earth can be observed in certain phenomena, such as hurricanes and tornadoes.



Mention one of the three main points to define and appreciate Art.

* Art is creative, imaginative, beautiful, and expresses important ideas or feelings

* Art appreciation is subjective because we like different things.

* Art appreciation is based on personal opinions, experiences, beliefs, and feelings.


What can happen to our things if we don’t take proper care of them?

When we do not take proper care of our things, we can either lose them, break them, or wear them away faster.


Mention two examples of situations where you need to write formal.

› job interviews

› writing an essay

› when you speak with professors

› for college assignments

› in formal presentations

› when you address an important person


These form part of an atom, have a negative charge and go around the orbits.



The mantle is the layer between the crust and the core. It is composed mostly of peridotite. It has a depth of 2,900 km.



Mention three of the elements of visual arts.



Why should we take care of other people’s belongings as if they were ours?

Taking care and respecting other people’s things as if they were our own can even help us have a better relationship with our family members.


Mention two of the different elements included in a good conclusion.

› a summary or explanation of the topic with words you have not used before in the text.

› deductions or results after researching the main subject.

› your personal opinion about the results or deductions.

 › an explanation of how the different ideas stated are connected.

› a concluding statement that explains the importance of the subject of the research.


It’s a system that’s compared with the atom’s model due to its similarities such as both having their nucleus in the middle.

The Solar System


The lithosphere is divided into 9 mayor boundaries, including Convergent, Divergent, and Transform.



Mention three of the Fine Arts.

Visual, Graphic, Performance, Plastic, Music, Cinematography, Architecture, Literature.


How does taking care of things that are of communal use help our communities?

Respecting the community’s things can help us in different ways such as setting an example for others, growing as a society, and ensuring that everyone has a chance to use or enjoy them.


Mention two of the elements an introduction must include.

›an opening statement that refers to the main topic of the paper and attracts the reader’s attention.

›a sentence that explains why the discussion of the topic is important. It gives context and background information.

 › a thesis statement that gives the reader the writer’s view on how the topic will develop.

› a brief description of how the paper will be structured, sources that will be consulted, and the questions that will be answered.


It’s a phenomenon that builds up when a lot of electrons transfer from one object to another. This can be felt as a slight shock, crackling noise, or a visible spark.



The movement of the different tectonic plates is caused by convection in the mantle of the earth. There are two types of current convection: Ascending and Descending.



What is the difference between beauty and ugliness? 

Beauty is a combination of qualities such as shape, color, and form that pleases those who look or think about it.

Ugliness is a combination of qualities or one characteristic that is unpleasant or unattractive.


What are the three things to prevent future problems?

1. Start a healthy routine.

2. Pay attention to what you are doing. 

3. Be respectful to others and mind your words. 


Mention three tips on how to write straightforwardly.

› Avoid repeating ideas or words; do not be redundant. › Avoid using clichés; some examples are: “back against the wall,” “busy as a bee,” “at the end of the day,” “for all intents and purposes.”  

› Use direct language, avoid the use of passive voice in the text.


The force that resists an object’s movement. This can seen in sliding, static, or rolling movements against a smooth or irregular surface.



Convergent boundaries collide against each other, but they can only meet on continental-continental plate collisions.



What are the four steps to write an Art Analysis? Mention them in order.

1. Describe: What do you see in the artwork?

2. Analyze: What elements are in the artwork?

3. Interpret: What is the purpose of the artist?

4. Decide: What is my personal opinion?


What are the steps to face an unexpected problem? Mention them in order. 

1. Define and Identify the Problem

2. Brainstorm Solutions

3. Pick a Solution

4. Implement the Solution

5. Review the Result