Addition & Subtraction
2-D Shapes
3-D Shapes
Compare Numbers

Mrs. Golden has 17 pencils. She gives some to Ms. Fabio. Now she has 6 pencils. How many pencils did she give to Ms. Fabio?

What is 11 pencils.


I am a 2-D Shape with no straight sides. 

What am I?

What is a circle.


I am a 3-D shape.

I have one flat surface and a curved surface.

I have a pointed top.

What am I?

What is a cone.

When a shape is broken up into 2 equal parts each part is called a _____.

What is half.


Use the correct symbol to compare the numbers.

87 ____ 87

What is =.


Ms. Reichart had 80 stickers. She gave 20 stickers to Ms. Dunn. How many stickers does Ms. Reichart have left?

What is 60 stickers.


I am a 2-D shape with 6 sides and 6 vertices.

What am I?

What is a hexagon.


You have a cone, a cube, and a rectangular prism. 

Draw a new shape you can make.

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When a shape is broken into four equal parts these parts are called ____ or ____.

(You need both answers!)

What is fourths or quarters.


Mr. Williams has 28 books.

Maestra has 22 books.

Who has fewer books?

What is Maestra.


Ms. Bynum made 24 shapes. Ms. Doyle made 41 shapes. How many shapes did they make together?

What is 65 shapes.


How many triangles do you need to put together to make a trapezoid?

What is 3.


How many flat surfaces does a cube have?

What is 6 flat surfaces.


There are ____ halves in ____ whole.

(You need both answers!)

What is 2 halves in 1 whole.


Ms. Barragen has 49 basketballs.

Mr. Cullen has 78 basketballs.

Mr. Firestone has more basketballs than Ms. Barragen but fewer than Mr. Cullen.

How many basketballs could he have? Choose the correct number.

78    13    24    49    65

What is 65 baskeballs.


Mr. Conde had some crayons. Ms. Menos gave him 5 more crayons. Now he has 11 crayons. How many crayons did he have to start?

What is 6 crayons.


I am a 2-D shape with 4 straight sides and 4 vertices.

All of my sides are the same length.

What am I?

What is a square.


I am a 3-D shape.

I have 2 flat surfaces and a curved surface.

What am I?

What is a cylinder.

Draw a rectangle. 

Color to show a fourth of the rectangle.

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Use the correct symbol to compare the numbers.

34 ____ 39

What is <.


Mrs. Gigl has 56 markers. Ms. Frawley gives her 19 more markers. How many markers does Mrs. Gigl have now?

What is 75 markers.


How many triangles do you need to put together to build a hexagon?

What is 6.


I am a 3-D Shape.

I only have flat surfaces.

Another shape is one of me.

I am different than this shape because my flat surfaces are not always the same shape and size.

What is a rectangular prism.


Draw a square that has 4 unequal parts.

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Ms. Harrienger has more than 40 crayons.

She has fewer than 42 crayons.

How many crayons does Ms. Harrienger have?

What is 41 crayons.