Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Process that uses observation and investigation to growing knowledge about events in nature
What is Science?
It is the distance and direction of object's change in position from the starting point
What is displacement?
Acceleration of an object is in the same direction as the net force on the object
What is Newton's second law of motion?
Kinetic- energy of motion, Potential energy- stored energy dur to position
What are kinetic and potential energy?
Transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move, W = Force x distance
What is work and how do you calculate it?
Life science, physical science, earth science
What are the three types of science?
It is the speed and direction of an object
What is velocity
Static Friction- prevents two surfaces from sliding past each other, Sliding Friction- force that apposes the motion of two surfaces sliding past each other, Rolling Friction- between a wheel and surface
What are the three types of frictions and define them.
PE = mass x 9.8 m/s/s x height above surface
How do you find potential energy?
Rate at which work is done and you find it by dividing work by time
What is power and how do you find it?
Theory explains why and a law is a statement and doesn't explain why
What is the difference between a theory and a law?
Constant speed- car neither speeds up or slows down, Average speed- total distance รท total time, Instantaneous speed- speed at any given moment
What are the three types of speeds and define them.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
What is Newton's third law of motion?
KE = 1/2 x mass x velocity^2
How do you find kinetic energy?
Lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw, and wedge
What are the six simple machines?
Line graph- measured data, bar graph- counted data, and circle graph- parts of a whole
What are the three types of graphs and what they record?
It is the rate of change in velocity and you find it by dividing the change in velocity by time
What is acceleration and how to find it?
It is the fastest speed you can go when falling
What is terminal velocity?
It is the action of splitting something into two or more parts
What is fission?
Fixed pulley, moveable pulley, and block and tackle pulley
What are the three types of pulleys?
It is an exact quantity used to compare measurements
What is a standard?
An object in motion stays in motion until an unbalanced force acts or an object at rest stays at rest until an unbalanced force acts
What is Newton's first law of motion?
Projectile- anything that's thrown or shot through the air, Trajectory- Curved path that a projectile follows because of Earth's gravity
What are projectile and trajectory motion?
The process of joining two or more things together
What is fusion?
Measure of much of the work put into a machine is changed into useful output work by the machine
What is efficiency?