TRIO Programs
Upward Bound
Talent Search
History of TRIO
This TRIO program prepares low income/first generation college students in the 6-12 grades for college admission OR vocational training certification.
What is Talent Search?
The Upward Bound summer program provides students instruction in the follwing five core curriculum areas?
What are literature, composition, mathematics, science and foreign language?
This is the official name of Cameron University's Talent Search program?
What is Open Doors?
The TRIO programs began as part of this president's War on Poverty.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?
This TRIO program provides a unique service to veterans returning to college, aiding them in the transition process through intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses.
What is Veteran's Upward Bound?
This TRIO program helps low income/fist generation UNDERGRADUATE students, including those who are disabled, to successfully begin and stay in college.
What is Student Support Services?
This is the percentage of students Upward Bound programs must service who meet both the low income and first generation college student requirements.
What is 66%?
The Cameron University Talent Search programs services approximately ____ students from the Lawton Public Schools.
What is 775?
This Act established the first trio program.
What is the Higher Education Act of 1965?
In addition to the Saturday Enrichment Sessions, Cameron University Upward Bound students must attend at least one _________ __________ per month.
What is cultural event?
This TRIO program prepares low income/first genration college students in the 9-12 grades for college admission, only, and includes a college campus-based six week summer program.
What is Upward Bound?
This is the total number of students the Cameron Upward Bound program services in the Lawton Public Schools.
What is 66?
The Cameron University Talent Search program services students from these four Lawton middle schools.
What are Central, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Tomlinson Middle Schools?
This was the first TRIO program ever established.
What is Upward Bound?
This TRIO program assists students in a rigorous math & science curriculum in high school to encourage and enable them to major in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines in college.
What is Upward Bound Math/Science?
This TRIO program targets displaced or underemployed workers from low-income families and helps prepare them for postsecondary education.
What are Educational Opportunity Centers?
Cameron Upward Bound students must attend at least _____ Saturday Enrichment Sessions per month during the academic year?
What is 2?
In addition to servicing students from Lawton, Eisenhower, and MacArthur High Schools, the Cameron University Talent Search program also provides services to students from this educational institution.
What is the Gateway Success Center?
This government agency funds all TRIO programs.
What is the United States Department of Education?
This is the name of the Cameron University's newest Talent Search Academic Advisor.
What is Kristie Douglas?
This TRIO program encourages and prepares low-income and minority students for doctoral study and to pursue careers in college teaching.
What is the McNair Program?
This is the toal amount of stipend money Cameron Upward Bound students can earn per year?
What is $410?
Name at least four of the seven activities, or services, the Cameron Talent Search program provides its students.
What are tutoring and study skills, ACT/PSAT workshops, financial aid and scholarship information and applications, college and vo-tech information and applications, summer enrichment activities, college campus visits, and the Career Fair and College Life Fair?
By the late 1960's, the term "TRIO" was coined to describe these federal programs.
What are Upward Bound, Talent Search, and Student Support Services?
Beth Gregory, Director of the Upward Bound and Talent Search programs at Cameron University, graduated from this midwestern university.
What is Iowa State University?