TRIO Programs
Student Support Services
The Peer Mentor
History of TRIO

This TRIO program prepares low-income/ first-generation college students in the 6-12 grades for college admission or vocational training certification. 

What is Talent Search?


To qualify for SSS, participants must meet a combination of these federal eligibility regulations. 

What are first-generation, limited family income, or a documented disability? 


Peer Mentors are highly trained student leaders who work to support incoming first-year students with their transition to Siena Heights University. They are compensated at $___ per hour. 

What is $12 per hour? 


Congress created a series of programs to help Americans overcome class and social barriers to higher education. This is the original name for these services.

What are Special Programs for Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds? 


The acronym SSS SSP means... 

What is the Student Support Services Summer Scholars Program? 


This TRIO program encourages and prepares low-income and minority students for graduate and doctoral study and to pursue careers in college teaching.  

What is the McNair Scholars Program? 


TRIO Student Support Services has existed on campus for ____ years in 2024. 

What is 45 years? 

First awarded in 1979, SSS celebrates 45 years on campus in 2024! 


Peer Mentors report to this SSS staff position. 

Who is the Program Coordinator? 


Congress initially authorized TRIO programs in this act (name & year). 

What is the Higher Education Act of 1965? 


In addition to receiving 2 FREE academic credits for the Summer Scholars Program, SHU SSS participants could begin their college career with a _____ GPA. 

What is a 4.0 GPA? 


This TRIO program helps low-income adults who would be the first in their families to gain admission to college and prepare them for postsecondary education.

What are Educational Opportunity Centers? 


Name four services that SSS staff provide to our student participants.

Academic tutoring, advising/ course selection, success coaching/ mentoring, financial literacy education, Grant Aid, grad school prep, access to supplies and meal assistance, cultural events, skill workshops, leadership training, employment


The acronym FERPA means...  

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act


By the late 1960's, the term "TRIO" was coined to describe these federal programs. 

What are Upward Bound, Talent Search, and Student Support Services? 


The Student Support Services office is located on this floor in Sacred Heart Hall. 

What is the 3rd Floor? 


This TRIO program prepares low-income, first-generation students in the 9-12 grade prepare for college admissions. 

What is the Upward Bound program?


TRIO Student Support Services is a holistic student development program dedicated to providing individualized support and academic resources to _____ students in their college experience, empower them to __________ through challenges, accomplish their goals, and _________ from Siena Heights University. 

What are engage, persist, graduate? 


Peer mentors may work up to this many hours for the SSS program each week during the academic year. 

What is 2.5 hours? 


This government agency funds all TRIO programs. 

Who is the U.S. Department of Education? 


These people make up the SSS staff. (an extra point will be awarded for correct titles)

Who are Andrew Winckles and Ben Rosebrock? 


This TRIO Program helps low-income, first-generation college students and those with disabilities access and navigate college life. 

What is Student Support Services? 


The U.S. Department of Education funds the SHU SSS program to serve this many student participants. 

What is 160? 


Mentors are expected to acquaint students with academic resources and services available through Student Support Services and serve as a ______ _______ both on campus and off. 

What is role model? 


This was the first TRIO Program ever established.

What is Upward Bound? 


These three words are listed beneath the Siena Heights University TRIO Student Support Services logo. 

What are Engage | Persist | Graduate?