Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

What is imperialism?

What is the policy of establishing colonies through diplomacy or military force?


Japan launched a surprise air attack on the U.S. naval base at this location on December 7, 1941. What is this place?

What is Pearl Harbor?


What two global superpowers fought in the Cold War?

What is the U.S. and the Soviet Union? 


What is one common disease that  medical discovery after 1900 allowed for the creation of its vaccine or cure?

What is polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, etc.?


What revolution is Doc’s favorite?

What is the french revolution?


What is a cluster or neighborhood of people from the same foreign country, formed in many major cities?

What is an ethnic enclave?


On June 6, 1944, English, American, and Canadian forces fought on the Beaches of Normandy. The Allied Forces went on to liberate France. What is this date known as?

What is D-Day?


Name one proxy war that took place during the Cold War.

What is the Korean War, Vietnam War, Angolan Civil War, Soviet-Afghan War, Bay of Pigs Crisis, Cuban Missile Crisis, etc.


What was the U.S. Economic Policy Initiative that stimulated the economy and provided jobs during the Great Depression?

What is Roosevelt’s New Deal? 


How many kids does doc have?

What is 5?


What did subsistence farmers begin growing instead of their traditional crops?

What are cash crops?


Who was the leader and founder of the National Fascist Party (1919) in Italy?

Who is Benito Mussolini?


This competition between the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the Cold War focused on innovation and involved no weapons. What is this conflict known as?

What is the Space Race?


What is the phenomenon in which people from all over the world learned more about the U.S. than Americans learned about the rest of the world?

What is Americanization?


Where is Doc from?

What is New York?


What company accounts for 90% of the world’s diamond production?

What is De Beers Mining Company?


Another name for the socialist party of Russia, gained the support of the Soviets in 1918. Within 6 months, this group, with the help of Lenin, took command of the government. What was this group called?

Who are the Bolsheviks?


What does NATO stand for?

What is North Atlantic Treaty Organization?


What does UNICEF stand for?

What is United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund?


What does the tattoo on Doc’s forearm say?

What is "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" / Liberty, Equality, Fraternity ?


What was the Berlin Conference?

What was a meeting of European powers to provide for the orderly colonization of Africa?


Who was the British Prime Minister during WWII (1940-1945) and again from 1951-1955?

Who is Winston Churchill?


What group that was founded in 1906 advocated a separate nation for Indian Muslims?

What is the Muslim League?


When did women get the right to vote in the U.S.? 

What is is 1920?


Where would Doc go if he could go anywhere on vacation?

What is the Shree Karni Mataji Temple (Indian Rat Temple)?