There's Nothing Wrong With Me! (Abnormal)
It's Just Developing
Social Hour (Social)
Who Do You Think You Are (Personality)
Think It Through (Cognition)
This is the most commonly used handbook by health care professionals in the United States which includes descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for mental disorders.
What is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (5th edition)?
This person created the psychosocial theory of development.
Who is (Erik) Erikson?
This psychologist conducted a shocking experiment to examine what happens when the demands of authority clash with the demands of conscience.
Who is (Stanley) Milgram?
This theorist developed the personality types that would later be used in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Who is (Carl) Jung?
Often used in cognitive psycholgy experiments, this is a measurement of how long it takes to respond to the presentation of a stimulus.
What is reaction time?
This anxiety disorder includes recurring unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations, in addition to repetitive behaviors.
What is obsessive compulsive (disorder)?
A congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities including short stature and a broad facial profile.
What is down syndrome?
The tendency of people who have first agreed to a small request, to agree to a larger request later.
What is the foot in the door (phenomenon)?
This condition is characterized by a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed.
What is learned helplessness?
The formation of individual units of information into larger units to overcome short-term memory limitations.
What is chunking?
This mood disorder is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness and a lack of desire to engage in formerly pleasurable activities.
What is major depressive disorder?
These are agents, such as a chemical or a virus, that can harm a child during prenatal development.
What are teratogens?
According to Leon Festinger, this theory is how we bring our attitudes in line with our actions.
What is cognitive dissonance (theory)?
This test, developed by Morgan and Murray, involves interpreting a series of ambiguous pictures in order to reveal a person's social drives.
What is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?
The tendency for people to view objects as only for their intended purpose.
What is functional fixedness?
This type of Bipolar Disorder is characterized by intense depressive episodes and less intense manic episodes.
What is Bipolar II?
The process by which individuals interpret new information in accordance with existing knowledge or schemas.
What is assimilation?
This persuasion route occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness.
What is the peripheral (route)?
According to Freud, in what psychosexual stage does the Oedipus complex occur?
What is phallic (stage)?
This occurs when people have trouble learning new material because previously learned material makes it difficult to remember newer information.
What is proactive (forward looking) interference?
False beliefs that may accompany schizophrenia and other disorders.
What are delusions?
This is the last level of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
What is post conventional morality?
According to Robert Sternberg, this specific type of love includes intimacy, passion, and commitment.
What is consummate (love)?
This psychologist developed the Sensation Seeking Theory.
What is (Marvin) Zuckerman?
This effect occurs when a memory has been corrupted by misleading information.
What is the misinformation (effect)?