How much HP does a Medkit have
What is 100 HP
How much money is clash of clans worth on the app store
What is a trick question and is zero dollars
Who is the big fat red bird
Who terrance
What is the max amount of materials that you can carry
What is 999 in wood brick and metal
How many builders do you start out with in clash of clans
What is 2
What color is Chuck
What is Yellow
When was Fortnite made
What is 2017
Who is the main character of Angry Birds
Who is Red
What is the big tower in Tilted called
What is trump tower
When was Clash of Clans Released
What is August 2, 2012 (6/2/12
Is Garry Chill
Yes he is chill
How many Fortnite seasons have there been
what is 23 seasons and 4 Chapters
When was Clash ROyal Relased
What is March 2, 2016 (3/2/16)
What does Hal do in Angry Birds
Hal's beak acts as a boomerang and he comes back to the pigges