Food & Drink
Going Green
Magazine Covers
A Bird in the Hand
Historical Timelines

These are made up of graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate.  

 What are s’mores? The first recorded recipe for s'mores appeared in a 1927 publication called "Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts." It is believed that the treat was created by Girl Scouts during their camping trips. World Record: The largest s'more ever made weighed over  725 kg! It was created in 2003 at the Deer Run Camping Resort in Pennsylvania, USA.


The first Endangered Species List was released in 1967 and included this bird, the national symbol of the U.S.  

 What is the bald eagle? They were removed from the Endangered Species List in 2007.


The May 1969 cover of Esquire features this artist falling into one of his trademark Campbell’s soup cans.  

 Who is Andy Warhol? The May 1969 cover of Esquire magazine featured the artist Andy Warhol falling into one of his trademark Campbell's soup cans. He was a renowned American artist and leading figure in the Pop Art movement. He gained fame for his iconic Campbell's soup can paintings, among other works that explored themes of consumerism and popular culture. The Esquire cover was a clever and playful representation of Warhol's close association with Campbell's soup cans and his unique artistic style.


When your grandchild brings home straight “A’s,” you might say you feel as proud as this bird.  

 What is a peacock? Did you know the term peacock applies only to the male bird? The female is a peahen, and the plural for male and female is peafowl.


The Wall Street stock market crashed in this year during the Great Depression.

 What is 1929? The market crashed on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929. By 1932, stocks were worth 20 percent of their pre-crash value, 30 percent of the workforce was unemployed, and half the banks had failed


This label is found on foods produced according to Jewish dietary law.  

 What is kosher? Basic rules include no foods with a combination of meat and milk, no shellfish, and processed meat according to strict standards.


In May 1985, Nature magazine published evidence of a hole in this atmospheric covering.  

 What is the ozone layer? This layer protects us from the sun’s radiation


The September 5, 1960, cover of Life features this author of The Old Man and the Sea.  

 Who is Ernest Hemingway? The article showcases colorful photos of Spain, a favorite destination of Hemingway’s


When describing the shortest distance between two points, we say, “As [this] flies.”  

 What is the crow? As the crow flies is the expression because birds don’t encounter obstacles, such as mountains and streams, between point A and point B.


The unsinkable RMS Titanic sank during this decade.  

 What is the 1910s? It sank on April 15, 1912. The Lusitania also sank during the 1910s.


This is Italy’s extraordinarily strong coffee.

 What is espresso? Its name does not refer to a specific bean. It refers to forcing water at high pressure through the fine grinds.


In 1975, geologist Wallace Broecker described Earth’s trends in temperature as “_____ warming.”  

 What is global? His article explored the possibility that the climate was shifting ever-warmer


The December 22, 1980, issue of Time magazine honors the legacy of this Beatles member.  

 Who is John Lennon? The cover features a painting of Lennon done by artist Daniel Maffia. Lennon had been assassinated only a few weeks earlier, on December 8


Some teens can feel like these in their youth but grow up to be beautiful swans.  

 What are ugly ducklings? Often, at high school reunions, we find the ugly ducklings of years past have become shockingly beautiful adults


This was the year Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked.  

 What is 1941? At the time, American intelligence officials believed that a Japanese attack would take place in the Dutch East Indies, Singapore, or Indochina, due to their relative proximity to Japan in the South Pacific.


This cocktail is made with coconut cream, rum, and pineapple.  

 What is a piña colada? It was invented at the Caribe Hilton Hotel in Puerto Rico and is the island’s national drink.


In 1970, this US president established the EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency.  

 Who is President Nixon? The EPA sets standards for air and water quality, among many other duties


Selling roughly 3.1 million copies, the best-selling People magazine issue of all time features this woman on the cover.  

 Who is Princess Diana? It was published on September 15, 1997. She had died in a high-speed car accident on August 31, 1997.


Authors appreciate this kind of eye from their editors and proofers.  

 What is eagle? Eagles have keen vision, and some people with extraordinary attention to detail are said to have “eagle eyes".


East and West Germany reunified during this decade.  

 What is the 1990s? The Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, but the two countries did not officially become one until October 3, 1990. German Unity Day is celebrated every October 3.


Investor and plant collector William Purvis brought trees that bear these to Hawaii from Australia.  

What are macadamia nuts? Macadamia nuts are one of the most expensive in the world


This was the decade when Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius  first published the novel idea that humanity could affect climate change.  

 What is the 1890s? Other scientists argued against his 1896 theories about the greenhouse effect, but many today agree with his work


This Charlie’s Angels actress, known for her signature voluminous hairstyle, was featured on many magazine covers in the 1970s.  

 Who is Farrah Fawcett? She gained widespread recognition and became a cultural icon with her portrayal of Jill Munroe on the television series Charlie's Angels, which aired from 1976 to 1981. Fawcett's iconic hairstyle, often referred to as the "Farrah Fawcett hairstyle," became incredibly popular during that time


If people are thin and fit, envious friends might accuse them of doing this.  

What is eating like a bird? Actually, birds eat a lot relative to their size—On average, birds consume about a quarter to half of their body weight in food every day. Therefore, accusing someone of "eating like a bird" to imply they eat very little would be inaccurate. Birds have high metabolic rates and require substantial energy for their daily activities, so they need to eat a sufficient amount to sustain themselves.


The first Ford auto was introduced in this decade.  

 What is the 1900s? The Ford Model A Runabout, with a two-speed manual transmission, was introduced in 1903 for $850.