How is the United States flag designed?
13 horizontal stripes,7 red stripes, alternating with 6 white ones with a blue rectangle in the canton covered in 50 white, 5 pointed starts.
Are there 52 states in the united states?
The united States of America. The District of Columnoa os a federal district not a state. May Lists include DC and Puerto Rico, wich makes for 52 states and other jurisdictions. The Flag has 50 star, one for each state.
How do people celebrate the day of the national flag in their houses?
People decorate their houses with ornaments
Mention the movie in which a character represents the U.S. flag by himself.
Captain America
What do the 50 starts represent?
These represent the 50 states.
What is the meaning of USA Flags?
The stripes represent the original 13 colonies and the stars represente the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the symbolizes hardiness and valor, White sumbolizes purity and innocence, and blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice
How are the building in the cities decorated?
Hoist the flag on all the buildines
Mention the name of the movie in which aliens invade our planet and the trama is based in USA
Independence Day
What does the color red represent?
It represents the valor and strenght
Will the US flag Change?
One of the things that would change if Puerto Rico were to become a state is the oficial American Flag. U. S. Federal law requieres that another star be added when a new state joins the unión, according to state. Puerto Rico has heid five other votes on statehood in the past – in 1967, 1991, 1993, 1998 and 2012
How do students celebrate the day of the national flag in colleges?
Students solve quizzes and realize essay competitions about the American Flag
Mention the name of a movie that has the name of a US president.
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo Da Vinci
What does the color white represent?
It represents innocence and purity.
What is the name of the american Flag?
flag of the United states, The American Flag, The stars and Stripes; Red, White and Blue; Old Glory, The Star-pangled Banner, US flag, United States Flag
How do people celebrate the day of the national flag on the cities streets?
Musical salutes, street parades, award for special recognition
This is a patriotic movie in which Mel Gibson appeared.
The patriot
What does the color blue represent?
It represents perseverance and justice
Why is te US flag red White and blue?
Thomson´s report to congress on june 20, 1782, the day the seal was approved, contained a description of the colors, the same as those in the flag: “White signifies purity and innocence, Red hardiness and valor and Blue signifies vigilance perseverance an justice.
Where is the largest flag day parade staged?
In Troy, New York
Mention the movie in which 2 nations are fighting (USA vs Russia), the fight is about boxing.
Rocky 4