This planet is known as the "Red Planet"
What is the Capital city of Australia?
في اي فلم قال احمد حلمي الجملة " انا مش فاهمني انا عايزني افهمني"؟
كده رضا
What is the only sport to be played on the moon?
Which most famous lebanese Salad?
The process by which plants make their food using sunlight is called this
What is photosynthesis?
What is the name of the longest River?
Nile River
6650 KM
What is the real name of "the rock"?
Dwayne Johnson
Which country has won the most Olympic gold medals in history?
United States
حراء اصبعو is an... cuisine which country
Which country first college of pharmacy established?
France, University of Montpellier
Which U.S state is the largest by land area?
Ismail Yassin often portrayed characters in what type of institutional setting in his films?
Military/ Air force/ Navy
Which country did Padel originates?
Mansaf country origin
The largest organ in the human body
How high is the Mount Everest?
8.849 m
What was "Om Kaltoum" Nickname?
كوكب الشرق
Which Egyptian Squash player referred as the greatest in the sport history?
What is the Middle Eastern dish made of chickpeas, tahini, lemon, and garlic?
How many bones inside the adult human body?
What sea borders Palestine from the West?
Mediterranean Sea
Who created the marvel character-Spider-Man?
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
Who is the all-time top scorer in UEFA champions league?
Which country is the largest producer of coffee in the world?