Name of the spinning Hanukkah toy
Where is Kevin’s family going on vacation to in Home Alone?
Paris, France
Who wrote the original How The Grinch Stole Christmas book?
Why did Hermey stand out from the other elves?
He didn’t like to make toys or he wanted to be a dentist
What are the two other most popular names for Santa Claus?
Kris Kringle and Saint Nick
The name of money given as a present during Hanukkah
What is the name of Buddy’s dad in Elf?
Walter Hobbs
Which classic Christmas carol contains the lyric “Strike the harp and join the chorus?”
Deck the Halls
Meaning of Hanukkah in Hebrew
What was the secret message Ralphie deciphered from the Little Orphan Annie radio show?
“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”
What band composed and performed the iconic music in A Charlie Brown Christmas?
Vince Guaraldi Trio
5 foods traditionally eaten during Hanukkah
Jelly Donuts/ sufganiyot, Latkes/ Potato Pancakes, Challah, Matzah Ball, Kugel, Chocolate Gelt, Brisket, Apple Sauce
What time is the Grinch set to have dinner with himself (and he can’t cancel it again)?
Name the 12 days of Christmas
"A partridge in a pear tree," "Two turtle doves," "Three French hens," "Four calling birds," "Five gold rings," "Six geese a-laying," "Seven swans a-swimming," "Eight maids a-milking," "Nine ladies dancing," "Ten lords a-leaping," "Eleven pipers piping," and "Twelve drummers drumming."