Word with 645 different ways of using it
Best move to play to win in rock paper scissors?
What Rocks?
What does misc stand for?
Arachnid? Hint not a spider
Lake with the longest name
Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg
What is integer overflow?
Number too big it becomes greater than the maximum value a variable can hold
What movie is this quote from?
"That's a nice boulder"
Worlds first trillionaire?
There isn't one yet
Most populous creature on earth
Word for exploring caves
This peaceful pacifist leader has been know to go on nuclear killing sprees, losing his mind to anger only to act normal next time you play him.
Nuclear Gandhi
Get at least two of the three questions right.
Ground Pokemon?
Ghost Pokemon?
Water Pokemon?
Only if they deserve it.
No that would be mean, break up with them in person.
Pokemon are pocket monsters
Animal with the longest possible lifespan
Immortal Jellyfish
Word for: The sink is shipping
Marios real name in the Super Mario Movie
Chris Pratt
Strongest Metal?
How many elements are on the periodic table?
What is wrong with this story?
Billy the polar bear is going for a nice long walk one day. He spots a light shining in the distance, and he goes to investigate, finding a weird piece of ice that is very reflective. At the moment, his friend Timmy the penguin shows up and tells him to not worry about it, it will melt soon anyway. They head off together looking for dinner.Polar bears live in the northern Hemisphere, and penguins live in the southern Hemisphere.
Hardest word to spell
This board game(one of the most popular), adapted as a video games has been very successful, making a net profit of about $24,238,080 a year
What color are diamonds?
They can be many different colors
Biggest explosion in history?
Big Bang
Mammal that lays eggs