The statue of Liberty was a gift from this European country
Where is france
This is the Disney princess that appears in princess and the frog
Who is tiana
In the hit song call me maybe by carly rae jepson, she says "hey i just met you, and this is _____" finish the lyrics
What is crazy
Fire is kept alive with this element
What is Oxygen
This place is known for getting your name wrong on your drink
What is Starbucks
It takes approximately this many steps to walk through the torii gates in japan
What is 12,000
This action movie is often debated on whether or not it is a Christmas movie
What is die hard
The nickname for Taylor Swift fans
What are swifties
A black hole condensed this
What is mass
This is where French fries originated
Where is Belgium
Xi jinping, president of China, has banned this cartoon character from appearing in China
Who is Winnie the Pooh
This is the the actor who portrays Charlie in the Santa clause
Who is Eric Lloyd
Fill in the blank: peanut butter jelly with a -------- bat
What is a baseball bat
Salt is a combination of what two elements
What are sodium and chlorine
This is said to be a mouses favorite snack
What is cheese
The capital of Mexico
Where is Mexico City
In the Disney film spies in disguise the main character is seen turning into this bird
What is a pigeon
Daily double!: finish the lyrics "I don't care about them blanks, underneath the Christmas tree
What is presents
What state of matter is cyanide not found in
What is liquid
The Krabby patty is the main dish of this fictional fast food restaurant
What is the Krusty krab
Who is the president of Russia
Vladimir Putin
In this Shrek movie the fairy godmother is The main villain
What is Shrek 2
This musician wrote rondo alla turca
Who is mozart
What is the 50th element of the period table
What is tin
True or false: the big man is named after a founder of McDonald's