What year did the U.S declare independence
When was 1776
What was the first video game?
What is Pong
Who wrote Harry Potter
Who is J.K Rowling
Who won the super bowl this year
Who are the Eagles
What is the most popular farm animal
What is a chicken
Who was the first man to land on the moon.
Who is Neil Armstrong
What does FPS mean
What is frames per second
What is the best selling book of all time
What is the Bible
Who is the best catcher in baseball history
Who is Johnny Bench
What brand of Tractor does Grandpa have the most of
What is John Deere
How many major crusades were there
What was 8
What is the best selling video game console
What is the PS2
True or false: If you lined up all the Harry Potter books ever sold it would go around the world 3 times
What is the most popular sport in the world
What is soccer
What was the first product John Deere made
What is a steel plow
Who crossed the Alps in the 2nd Punic war to attack Rome
Who was Hannibal
What company made Minecraft
What is Mojang
What is a popular book about dragons written by Tui T Sutherland
What is Wings of Fire
What is soccer most commonly called in other countries
What is Football
True or False: Kubota is a Chinese brand
What caused Ireland's potatoes to die and cause a famine.
What is the blight?
What game won the game of the year this year?
What is Astro Playroom
What is the popular book series about cats who live in the wild written by Erin Hunter
What is Warriors
Who has hit the most Home Runs in baseball history
Who is Barry Bonds
What are some of the most common tractor problems
What are
Dull blades
Fuel system
Electric system