What is the only animal that can't jump?
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According to Instacart, what is the most disliked food in America?
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What freezes faster, cold water or hot water?
This professional works in schools to support students' learning and mental health, often conducting assessments and interventions.
what is a school psychologist
what does CSPFS stand for?
counseling, school psychology, family sciences
This famous cookie brand, introduced in 1912, is known for its "twist, lick, and dunk" ritual.
🔹 What is _______?
what are oreos
This animal is the only one known to sleep standing up but can also lie down to rest
what is a horse
On average, what grows faster: fingernails or toenails?
This law, abbreviated as IDEA, ensures services to children with disabilities in U.S. public schools.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
what was UNK's name in 1963 and prior
Kearney State College
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Which planet is the hottest in the solar system?
How many hours are there in one week?
Which condiment was originally sold as a medicinal cure for diarrhea?
The "ABC" model in behavior analysis stands for these three key components of behavior observation.
What are Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence?
spell Tammi's entire last name
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What kind of fish is Nemo?
Which country do koalas come from?
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What color is amethyst?
A legally binding document that outlines special education services for students with disabilities.
What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
UNK offers this approximate number of undergraduate majors, providing a wide range of academic disciplines.
What is 81 undergraduate majors
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It's the most consumed chocolate bar in the world.
M&M's Fruit Chews became what candy?
What animal family is the capybara part of?
Developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky, this concept refers to the difference between what a learner can do alone and what they can do with help.
What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
how many sports does UNK offer
17 total