How do you confirm that you are in the Polar Training Region?
The pink RPRS code at the top right of Polar
What is the base fare (BFAR)?
The cruise fare without included government taxes & fees (IGVT).
What 4 letter function lets you edit a booking?
What additional field is required in AVAL when booking a Cruisetour?
The Tour Code
What does F9 do in Polar?
Swaps between two Polar screens
What function code do you enter to begin checking availability?
Enter AVAL in the Function field.
What does the RCFE field represent in the fare quote?
Required Cruise Fees & Expenses
A direct guest gives you the booking number, what other preferred information is needed to verify account?
First + Last names and DOB on the booking.
What 2 letter can be entered for Land Bed?
T for Twin or Q for Queen.
How do you access higher number function keys F13-F24?
Hold Shift and press F1-F12.
What does a 'G' in the Avl column mean?
Guarantee status
What happens if a guest does not pay their deposit with 24hrs?
The booking is canceled
Can Travel Advisors from the same agency make changes to a booking?
Yes, as long as they pass verification.
Does this Product includes a Cruisetour? R524/24SEP25/011-MSS/RUBY/SFO1-SFO2
What does F12 do in Polar navigation?
Moves back one page.
What happens if a guest does not have a Captain’s Circle Number (CCN)?
Polar will assign one when the booking is completed.
What does Pkg represent on the Pricing Summary screen?
What happens with the category and location, if a guest accepts a Complimentary Upgrade?
They will be moved to a higher category cabin, but its location is not guaranteed.
Can a guest adjust their bed configuration online?
Yes, through the Manage Booking site.
How do you quickly clear a black screen in Polar?
Press ALT + F2.
What letter is used choose a cabin for a guest?
Enter S to select the desired cabin location.
What does Ins represents on the Pricing Summary screen?
Princess Vacation Protection or PVP. (Insurance is incorrect)
If you are in DBOK and wants to quickly go to CBOK, what do you enter at the top left of Polar?
Excluding the Sky Suites, what is the maximum occupancy for most cabins?
Four guests
What is the function of F7 & F8?
Scrolls down and up on a list