What is August 30th, 2011?
What is 24?
What is Walt Disney?
What is Frankie?
Amount of languages I speak and their names
What is 4 (Mandarin, Cantonese, English, French)?
Gold's scientific name on the periodic table
What is the golden trio?
The 1 thing that I keep in my pocket 24/7 at school
What is tissue paper?
What is themightygirl321?
What is a pup?
The name Deadpool refers to himself in the movie, "Deadpool & Wolverine"
What is Marvel Jesus?
My top 3 fav school subjects
What is drama, music and literacy?
My favourite Harry Potter character
What is Hermione Granger?
The official name for "baby yoda" in the television series "Mandalorian"
What is grogu?
The class I was in (in grade 6) before I was transferred to Ms. Cabral/Ms. Good's class
What is Mr Bernstein's class?
Full name of my disorder
What is Sensory integration disorder?
The location of a xylem in a carrot
What is the inner core?
What is a haunting?
What is 11?