Name two plant parts.
What are: roots, stem, leaves, flower?
Greece is located on this continent.
What is Europe?
There are this many months in a year.
What is 12 months?
What is six?
Dublin Heights school colours.
What are green and yellow?
Trivia Question: What are the three layers of the earth?
Crust, mantle, core
Trivia Question: Rome is located in what country?
Trivia Question: What type of triangle has all equal sides?
The tallest animal in the world.
What is a giraffe?
Our school mascot.
What is a tiger?
The nearest planet to the sun.
What is Mercury?
Trivia Question: What is the capital of New York State?
The sales take rate for Washington state
What it 6.5%
The largest lizard in the world.
What is the Komodo dragon?
Name one of our vice-principals.
Who is Mr. Gallucci?
The Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude of this natural phenomenon.
What are earthquakes?
Trivia Question: The islands of Hawaii are located in what ocean?
Trivia Question: What is the radius of a circle when the diameter is 10?
Answer: 5
A mammal that lays eggs.
What is a duck-billed platypus?
Name our principal
Who is: Mrs. Sullivan
Trivia Question: The oldest living tree is 4,843 years old and can be found in which state?
Trivia Question: What state is home of the Everglades?
Answer: Florida
Trivia Question: At what temperature does water freeze?
32 degrees Fahrenheight
A shrimp's heart is located here.
What is its head?
The last day of school
What is:
June 2nd