The most popular type of cheese in cities?
Whats a book with the word cheese in the title?
(Hint: Its a question about cheese)
Who moved my cheese
Whats a movie about cheese?
(Hint: The last word is nun and the first word is the.)
The cheese nun
When was cheese created?
Cheese was created over 4,000 years ago-by accident
What is a type of board game about pies?
Pie Face!
What type of cheese is brie cheese?
Brie cheese
Whats a book with the word cheese in the title?
(Hint: Has to do with age)
Age doesn't matter, unless your a cheese
Whats a movie about cheese?
(Hint: This is a book about being the cheese)
I am the cheese
How much milk does it take to make 1 pound of cheese?
10 pounds
This is a version of scrabble about cooking. What is it called?
What type of cheese begins with an L?
limburger cheese
Whats a book with the word cheese in the title?
(Hint: By the same author as who moved my cheese)
I moved your cheese
Whats a movie about cheese?
(Hint: This is an incomplete sentence about eating cheese)
I want to eat cheese with
Where is most cheese in the US made?
Over 25% of cheese in the U.S. is made in Wisconsin (the rest comes mostly from California, Idaho and New York
The name of this board game is something you probably shouldn't do at school at lunch.
Foodie Fight!
What types of cheese is also a salad dressing?
Blue cheese.
Whats a book with the word cheese in the title?
(Hint: by Geronimo Stiltion)
The curse of the cheese pyramids.
Whats a movie about cheese?
(Hint: Has to do with grilled cheese)
Grilled cheese and the bandits
Can Lactose-intolerant peeps eat cheese?
They can eat some types of cheeses that are aged enough like blue cheese.
You have these outside with your friends but this is also a game. What is it?
What type of cheese is hard?
Hard cheese
Whats a book with the word cheese in the title?
(Hint: You may think this would be a title for a cooking book)
Making cheese, butter, and yogurt
Whats a movie about cheese?
(Hint: You do this to a wild animal to make it dimestic. Now just add the words The Cheese to the beging of your answer)
The cheese tamers
what is a mouses FAVORITE food?
NOT CHEESE. It's actually sweets and carbs.
Everything on this planet is part of this cycle but its also a board game. What is it?
Food Chain.