In this 1985 children's book, a young boy takes a train to the North Pole. While he is there, he receives a bell as the first gift of Christmas.
The Polar Express
It is always great to be fashionably late! This state exemplified that motto and was the last state to join the United States.
Talk about your classics! This city was built in the 700s BC and is still the capital of Italy.
“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Neil Armstrong
Before racing to save the world, this Marvel superhero often yells, "Wakanda Forever!"
Black Panther
In "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", this conflicted explorer finds himself on adventures while acting as the Captain of the "Nautilus"
Captain Nemo (Prince Dakkar)
Between 1845 and 1852, an estimated one million people in Ireland died when this crop failed.
Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and this state can all be occupied at the same time when you visit the Four Corners monument
New Mexico
"Veni, vidi, vici," (I came, I saw, I conquered)
Julius Caesar
On stage and on screen, Elphaba, Galinda, and Fiyero delight audiences in this production.
"Oh Captain! My Captain!" is often seen exclaimed from desks, or brought up in casual conversation. The line was written by this famous poet, who wrote it as a tribute to Abraham Lincoln
Walt Whitman
This nickname was given to people who entered Oklahoma before the official start of the Land Run of 1889 and to their modern alumni.
If you want to sail to a new country, this is the ocean to be on! It touches the most countries out of any ocean.
Atlantic Ocean
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
Chief Brody (Roy Scheider)
Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Tom Brady, and Bill Belichick are all members of this fictional Dunkin boyband that has been seen in various Superbowl ads.
Dun-Kings (Dunkings)
Dr. Seuss wrote this book, his best-selling of all time, on a bet that he could not write a hit using only fifty unique words.
Green Eggs and Ham
One of the most powerful cities in ancient Mesopotamia was Babylon. Its location would be found in this modern day country.
Those that suffer from vulcanphobia, the fear of volcanoes, can move to this continent. This is because it is the only continent that has no active volcanoes.
"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."
(Peter) Clemenza (Richard Castellano)
With over 670 million followers on Instagram as of January 2025, this sports star has more followers than anyone else on the platform.
Cristiano Ronaldo
William Shakespeare was famous for writing 37 different plays during his life, this character had the most lines out of any of his characters in a single play.
This U.S. President was notable for many reasons. One of the lesser reasons was that he was the only US President after Herbert Hoover who served at a time when no previous US President was alive.
Richard Nixon (Nixon)
If you cry me a river, don't let it be like this one. This western hemisphere body of water is the longest river in the world with no bridges to get over it.
"In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."
Anne Frank
Netflix currently delights with blockbuster series like "Squid Game", "Bridgerton", and "Stranger Things". However, their popularity would not have been possible without this 2013 show, Netflix's first original series.
House of Cards