Feudal System
Political Status of Jews
Social Status of Jews

At around what significant time in the Jewish calendar did Jesus die?

Jesus died at around the holiday of passover


Who was Louis the Pious and what did he do for the Jews?

Louis the Pious was the first noble to create a charter


Which religion started the crusades?

The christians


Did Jews choose to go into the money lending industry?

No they were forced to


Did the black death affect the economy?

Ans: Yes it did, Jews who were moneylenders were blamed for the black death and were targets to be killed.


What are two Christian holidays based on Roman holidays?

 Christmas and Easter


What generally happened with the sons of Nobles?

They became knights


What were Jews forced into doing because of the impact of the crusades?

They were forced into moneylending


Why did the French king return the Jews?

The French king returned the Jews because due to the Money lending they now had all the money and they  could return as long as they gave everything they received and earned in those ten years to taxes.


What holiday was it for the Jews when William was “taken”?



What was the purpose of the Council of Nicea?

The purpose of the Council of Nicea was to establish rules for Christianity in order for it to become the religion of the Roman empire


Who was Richard of Speyer and what did he do for the Jews?

Richard of Speyer was a bishop and he made a contract with the Jews that was beneficial for them.


What did the Christians steal/ were exposed to from the muslims?

They were exposed to the the technological innovations of the muslims and brought them back to europe


Which French king expelled the Jews from France?

Francis Augustus


What did the blood libel accuse Jews of?

Ans: Every year, the Jews must sacrifice a Christian child


Who was Constantine?

Constantine was a Roman Empire who decided to make Christianity the main religion of the Roman Empire


Who was Agobard and what did he do against the Jews?

Agobard argued against charters, and was very anti-Jews


What started the crusades?

When the muslims tore down the church


How old was the French king when he expelled the Jews from France?

15 years old


What was the Latin work with the blood libel myth first appearing called?

Ans: The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich and it was written by Thomas of Monmouth


In what year did the Council of Nicaea take place?

325 AD


How did the feudal system affect Jews?

Jews were not part of the Feudal system, and were mostly an exception, and outsiders


Why did people participate in the crusades?

Religious fervour (guarantees them a spot in heaven) these are landless knights who need something else to do and they think that they can property in the middle east


What type of clothing did the Fourth Lateran Council impose on Jews?

Ans: Jews would have to wear dunce hats, and yellow circles


Why might many diseases such as COVID-19 originate from China?

Ans: China has a variety of animals that they eat on a regular basis that most Europeans would never eat. These animals transmitted these diseases and this is how the Black Death started.